25 August 2014

FOOD SAFETY - When Nutrition Labels Lie


When Nutrition Labels Lie

Food and beverage makers often employ buzzwords to cash in on nutrition trends, but don't be fooled. They often don't deliver on what the package is pitching. Shop smarter with our decoder

Call it the nutritional equivalent of beer goggles. Packages on the supermarket shelf look great: "Omega-3." "Excellent source of fiber." "As much protein as an egg." But take a closer look to discover the sobering reality: "Food companies design packages in order to sell products," says Marion Nestle, Ph.D., a professor of nutrition, food studies, and public health at New York University "They know that if the label says 'gluten-free,' 'fat-free,' or 'vitamins added,' consumers will believe the product to be healthier—even though that might not be the case." Your best defense for a better diet? Learn how to see through the hype.
THE HYPE Great source of protein!
THE TRUTH It's not enough to keep you full.
"Protein" was once a word reserved for giant tubs of whey powder used by weightlifters, but now it's showing up on labels for drinks, snack bars, and cereals. So if a box of cereal claims that each serving has as much protein as an egg, it can help you muscle up, right? And a protein drink can silence your grumbling stomach until dinner? Some of those drinks have as little as 5 grams in a cup. One serving of some protein-boasting cereals provides a meager 10 grams of protein. "This is not high-protein food, although the marketing implies it is," says Men's Health nutrition advisor Alan Aragon, M.S. And if you're seeking a muscle-building benefit, check protein products carefully. "Not all proteins are the same," says Aragon. "For example, whey and egg have higher concentrations of leucine than plant sources of protein, and they're more potent in their ability to promote muscle growth."
TRY THIS: A better bet to reap protein's benefits: Aim for 20 to 40 grams of protein at mealtime to fight hunger, Aragon says. That's the amount in 3 to 4 ounces of cooked chicken breast.
THE HYPE Reduced fat!
THE TRUTH Increased junk!
The debunked belief that eating fat makes you fat is the zombie claim that just won't die. A 2012 Gallup poll revealed that 59 percent of overweight Americans believe a low-fat diet is healthier than a diet low in carbs. "The low-fat trend has persisted because it seems logical that fat makes you fat. But that assumption is just plain wrong," says Valerie Berkowitz, M.S., R.D., nutrition director of the Center for Balanced Health in New York City. Foods engineered to be low in fat usually harbor other ingredients that expand your belly. "Low-fat processed foods often are made with excess sugar or other carbs to enhance flavor; they can trigger your body to produce fat-storing insulin," says Berkowitz. And there's psychological trickery at work here too: People in a Cornell study ate about 50 percent more of a snack if it was labeled "low fat." That "health halo effect" may lead to the notion that it's okay to eat more than usual if the food is low fat, the researchers say.
TRY THIS: "Eat meals with an equal ratio of protein, carbs, and fat. If a meal is more heavily weighted with one nutrient, use the next meal or snack to bring back the balance," she says.
THE HYPE Tiny seeds, big benefits!
THE TRUTH Not really.
Those little flaxseeds and chia seeds are huge now—in advertising. Makers of "flax plus" cereals and chia-studded snack bars devote plenty of label space to the products' omega-3 and fiber content. Indeed, these seeds pack plenty of omega-3s, but there's something you're not being told. "Food marketers rely on the fact that the average consumer isn't aware that different types of omega-3s exist," says Mike Roussell, Ph.D., a nutritionist in State College, Pennsylvania. Flaxseeds and chia seeds contain only a variety of omega-3s known as ALA fatty acid. Your body can convert ALA into the DHA and EPA types that can benefit cardiovascular and brain health, but the conversion process is not efficient.
TRY THIS: Fish-based omega-3 sources deliver more of the DHA and EPA your body needs most. Anchovies, wild salmon, and mackerel all offer the biggest omega-3 bang per portion. For fiber, go ahead and pump up your shake, oatmeal, or Greek yogurt with a tablespoon or two of whole chia seeds or ground flaxseed. (The fiber in whole flaxseeds isn't as digestible.)
THE HYPE Gluten-free!
THE TRUTH It's just trendy.
Three in 10 people in a 2013 NPD Group poll said that they were trying to cut back on or avoid gluten, a protein found in wheat and other grains. Dunkin' Donuts, Domino's Pizza, Miley Cyrus—they're all going gluten-free. Should you? " Gluten isn't inherently evil unless you have a specific gluten intolerance," says Christopher Mohr, Ph.D., R.D., a Louisville nutrition consultant. The American Gastroenterological Association reports that less than 1 percent of people in the United States have celiac disease, a permanent gluten intolerance. Still, some folks find going gluten-free helps with weight loss even if they don't have the disorder. "Skipping gluten could help because you're eliminating a lot of foods you may otherwise eat—many of them just empty carb calories," says Mohr. But if you simply swap out regular snack foods for gluten-free versions, there's no benefit.
TRY THIS: "Focus on the overall quality of the diet instead," Mohr says. "Get most of your carbs from vegetables, some fruit, and quality grains rather than worrying about gluten." Pick grain-based products with no more than 10 grams of added sugar per serving and a 5:1 ratio of carbs to fiber. That way you'll eat a filling dose of fiber with your carbs—gluten-free or not, says Mohr.
THE HYPE Contains B vitamins for energy!
THE TRUTH You already take plenty of Bs.
"The different B vitamins are grouped together because they help cells process energy," says Roussell. But don't let labels promising megadoses of B vitamins fool you: Cellular energy isn't the same as stimulating or energizing your body, he says. It's the caffeine in energy drinks that does that. That said, there are a few key B vitamins you should make sure you're consuming enough of, Roussell says. Vitamin B1 (also known as thiamine) helps with muscle and nerve function. Vitamin B2 (a.k.a. riboflavin) helps you convert carbohydrates to glucose; that's important for guys who exercise regularly. And men, especially those over 50, need vitamin B6, which helps metabolize amino acids and proteins. There's no need to rely on energy drinks, powders, shots, or gummies for your B vitamins, says Roussell.
TRY THIS: Just focus on eating a healthy diet. It's not hard to find foods that deliver all three B vitamins. Fortified cereal, lean pork, and liver offer good amounts of B1, B2, and B6. Leery of liver? Try mild-tasting chicken livers sauteed in butter and topped with crumbled bacon and caramelized onions. Sounds tastier than a can of additive-laden liquid, right?

Source: http://www.menshealth.com/

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