25 August 2014

WATCH PROBLEMS - Solve the 10 Most-Common Watch Problems


Solve the 10 Most-Common Watch Problems

If you're wearing a battery-powered watch, you'll want to read this

When it comes to servicing a timepiece, it’s easy to get swept up by the demands of relatively delicate mechanical movements. Though it may seem acceptable to take a “set it and forget it” attitude to your battery-powered watch, quartz timepieces have their own servicing needs. Remember, even if something major seems off, it’s likely that with a little TLC, your battery-powered timepiece could soon be good as new. Below are answers to frequent questions about watches with quartz movements.
Why has my watch stopped?The first step is to see if the battery needs to be replaced. Most watch batteries are designed to last about two years, but some quartz watches are designed to have an extended battery life and batteries for these watches can last up to three or more years. (Most of these watches do not have second hands.) Have a watch service technician check your watch's battery.
Why is my second hand skipping several seconds at a time?This is a battery end-of-life indicator. Watches with this feature have electronic circuits that detect when the battery voltage is getting low. Their circuitry makes the second hand move forward erratically to alert the wearer that it is time to replace the battery. Installing a new battery should restore the watch’s life so the second hand will advance normally again.
I use my chronograph often and the battery life seems to last less than one year. What should I do?Using the chronograph function often or leaving it running constantly will shorten battery life considerably. It is important to understand that more battery power will be required to enable all of the functions other than basic timekeeping. In fact, if left running for extended periods of time, electronic chronograph/stopwatch functions on some watches will stop running automatically. To conserve battery power, it is best to stop the chronograph function when the need for timing is completed.
My second hand ticks back and forth in one spot, but the watch doesn’t run. Any ideas?This may indicate the watch is functioning electronically, but the mechanical portion is not. The watch movement most likely needs to be serviced. Although there are numerous conditions that cause this malfunction, it is usually corrected by complete maintenance.
My watch runs fine when I don’t wear it but as soon as I put it on, it stops. Is this serious?This is a somewhat common problem, indicating the electronic circuitry may have a defect. One of the factors causing this to happen can be explained using the principles of basic physics. Expansion occurs when there is an increase in temperature. In this case, the electronic circuit may have a bad contact or defect within. When the watch is off the wrist and at room temperature, all of the contact points and circuits function properly. However, when the watch is being worn, your body temperature might cause a slight expansion, possibly breaking the circuit connection. The circuit will need to be replaced in conjunction with a routine maintenance.
I’ve had the watch for a year. Should I replace the battery just to be safe?With many of today’s quartz watches having an end-of-life feature, it is not advisable to replace the battery until it is absolutely necessary. Opening the case presents the possibility of compromising the factory seals, resulting in the need to perform water-resistant maintenance before it is required. The old adage “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” holds true for battery-operated watches.
The alarm worked fine until the battery was changed. Did the service center wreck my watch?Several factors can cause this problem. The most common explanation is that the alarm contact spring is not in the correct position. The watch may need to be sent to the service center. Other possibilities may be that the case back is installed incorrectly or there is a problem with the alarm contact plate. The good news is, either way, it’s an easy fix.
The display on my digital watch has turned black and the numbers can no longer be seen. Can it be saved?This usually happens when a digital watch has received a severe shock, perhaps by being dropped. The digital display, a very thin sandwich of glass filled with a conductive fluid, has become either contaminated or cracked, causing air to leak and damage the conductive fluid. This can be a very expensive repair and depending on the value of the watch, replacing it may be the most economical alternative.
The digits in my digital display do not show complete numbers or letters. Is there an easy fix?The contacts connecting the digital display with the circuitry of the watch have been damaged by a shock or the contact points are corroded. This prevents the section(s) not displayed from receiving necessary voltage to ignite the display segment. In less expensive digital watches, the repair can cost as much as a replacement watch. If the customer wants the watch repaired, it will need to be sent to the manufacturer’s service center. Higher-end digital watches can be repaired at a reasonable cost compared to buying a new watch, but they must also be sent in for service.
The buttons won’t push in or will not return after being pushed in. Why?Push buttons have a stem attached to their underside that moves in and out of a tube, located inside of the watch when depressed. Inside the watch, a tiny spring pushes the stem back out when the button is released. Over time, dirt or corrosion can accumulate inside the tube resulting in the spring being unable to restore the button back to its original position. The spring will most likely need to be replaced in conjunction with a complete maintenance.

Source: http://www.menshealth.com/

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