22 September 2014

COUGH - Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe For Cough: Its Benefits For Cough Remedy

Dry cough is one of the most distressing types of cough, which is associated with severe irritation of the throat, hoarseness of voice and severe pain in the throat. Apple cider vinegar has very beneficial action, especially in the treatment and management of this type of dry cough. Here are some tips and various recipes of how to use apple cider vinegar effectively for the management of cough and other throat ailments.
Traditionally, the use of Apple Cider Vinegar has been recommended for the management of dry cough and sore throat. According to several naturopaths, consuming two to three teaspoon of apple cider vinegar about thrice a day is considered to be adequate for the management of dry cough.
Some experts suggest additional doses of apple cider vinegar, especially in cases of severe acute attacks.
However most people may find it difficult to consume raw apple cider vinegar since it has a pungent odor and has a typical tart taste, hence often many experts suggest it can be diluted with either water or blended with other types of food items like honey or sugar, to make it easily edible.

Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe For Cough Remedy

While some experts suggest that consuming raw apple cider vinegar can have profound benefits on the treatment and management of dry cough, the pungent odor and tart taste of the vinegar makes its direct consumption difficult.
Here are some cough recipes containing apple cider vinegar, which are equally effective,
  • Vinegar and Honey: Add about two teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. Add a teaspoon of raw honey to it. Heat the mixture and consume it when warm. Honey has strong anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory action, which has a soothing effect on the throat, while apple cider vinegar helps treat the dry cough.
  • Home Made Cough Syrup: This cough syrup helps to naturally reduce cough and clear congestion in the throat. Add about one-fourth tablespoon of finely grounded ginger and equal amount of cayenne pepper to a glass of water. Add one tablespoon of honey and equal amount of apple cider vinegar to the mixture. Ensure that the ingredients are mixed thoroughly and consume the mixture every two hours to suppress the cough. Store the mixture at room temperature and discard it, if not used, after about eight hours.

Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Cough Cure

Apple cider vinegar is considered to have profound benefits in the management of all forms of cough, especially dry cough, which is associated with severe irritation of the throat. Experts suggest that apple cider vinegar has the following benefits in the management of cough,
  • Vinegar is an astringent, which in turn helps control the spread to infection in the throat. Apple cider vinegar can be very useful when dry cough is associated with a bacterial infection (as compared to a viral infection).
  • Vinegar has a soothing effect on the throat, which helps in reducing the inflammation of the throat and also helps alleviate the pain.

Source: http://www.simple-remedies.com/

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