22 September 2014

COUGH - Symptoms and Home Remedies to Prevent Asthmatic Cough

Asthmatic Cough

  • An asthmatic cough is considered as a non-productive cough or one that does not bring out any kind of liquid substance like mucus. This is often described as a dry cough.
  • Studies have shown that these asthmatic coughs are caused by irritants or allergens that are found in the environment which starts an excessive reaction to the immune system. When this happens, histamines are produced and the air passages swell causing the muscles surrounding the bronchial passages to have spasm to push the irritant out. That is why the coughs usually have a spasmodic quality.
  • Besides environmental factors, other causes of the coughs include lack of exercise, genetics, and changes in diet.
  • Treatments that can be used here include regular use of a bronchodilator. This helps in loosening the muscle area in the bronchial tubes. Relaxed muscles in the area can stop the asthmatic coughs.
  • Anti-inflammatory steroids which are taken using a nebulizer can also help in reducing the swell of the bronchioles which in turn will help in controlling and even stopping asthmatic coughs.

Asthmatic Cough Symptoms

  • Asthmatic coughs can continue until patients would have difficulties in breathing. There are times when the patient will feel like being gagged during episodes of asthmatic coughs.
  • Dry cough that can last for more than a week.
  • Dry throats that sometimes are inflamed.
  • Wheezing. This symptom involves hearing a light and high-pitched whistling sound when breathing. It can be commonly heard during exhalation.
  • Tightening of the Chest. This symptom may often lead to shortness of breath which in turn can make patients feel anxious. When this happen, the tightening feeling usually worsens.
  • Shortness of breath or dyspnea.

Asthmatic Cough Home Remedies

  • One cup of hot black tea with honey can be taken before sleeping. Green tea can also be used. The theophylline and the caffeine that are in the tea are great cough relievers while the honey can help in soothing the dry and irritated throat.
  • Patients with asthmatic coughs should include magnesium-rich food in their daily diet. This nutrient helps in controlling the contraction of the muscles during asthmatic cough attacks. Patients with such illness often have low-magnesium levels. Bananas, prune juices, nuts along with list of vegetables and meat are good sources of magnesium.
  • Take at least 2 times Ginger tea with minced cloves of garlic.
  • One teaspoon of turmeric powder mixed in a glass of milk can also relieve symptoms. This should be taken 2 to 3 times in a day.
  • Avoid irritants that trigger asthmatic coughs.

Source: http://www.simple-remedies.com/

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