22 September 2014

RENAL - How to Reduce Creatine Level in Blood With Natural Treatment?

Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid that is naturally produced in the human body where it is primarily stored in the muscles to supply energy to the body’s cells. When creatine is metabolized, creatinine is produced and eliminated from the body through the kidneys. When kidneys aren’t functioning well, levels of creatine in the body is increased causing problems.

Reduce Creatine Levels

A person with high creatine levels is at great risk of dehydration, heart and kidney damage, and even death. To reduce creatine levels, the following are effective ways:
  • For a person taking creatine supplements, reduce the amount being taken.
  • Drink as much fluid as possible, creatine levels can be lowered by urination.
  • Always check one’s creatine levels by taking frequent blood tests. This will indicate if creatine is being excreted properly out of the body.
  • Eat a proper diet that is helpful for the kidneys.
  • If creatine levels are not controlled by diet and medication, doctors may conclude a failing of the kidneys, therefore causing the patient to begin dialysis.

How to Reduce Creatine Level in Blood

Due to high creatine level in the blood, certain conditions cause the kidneys to malfunction. But other than kidney disease, dehydration and urinary bladder obstruction are also reasons why blood creatine level is high.
To help reduce creatine level in the blood, the following must be done:
  • Have a complete physical examination.
  • Follow the doctor’s advice.
  • Increase fluid intake.
  • Control your diet to reduce one’s daily calorie intake.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Eat foods that are good for the kidneys like lettuce, cabbage, onions, carrots, cranberries, sprouts, omega 3-rich foods, high fiber foods etc.
  • Decrease consumption of foods harmful for the kidneys like red meat, dairy products, caffeine containing drinks and such.
  • Always get a blood test of one’s creatine levels at least every year or more often of necessary.

Natural Treatment for High Creatine Level in Blood

To help the body excrete excess creatine, here are some measures to do.
  • Increase fluid intake to flush out creatinine from the kidney.
  • Drink cranberry juice as it is helpful in treatment of urinary tract infections.
  • Include vegetables in your diet like cucumber, lettuce, cauliflower and carrots. These vegetables can help manage kidney disorders.
  • Refrain from drinking too much alcohol.
  • Avoid red meat and foods rich in flour and sugar as they are likely to meddle with kidney functions.
  • The use of ginseng is also beneficial in reducing creatine levels in the blood.
  • Aloe Vera juice also enhances kidney functions. It helps to control blood sugar and blood pressure.
  • Exercise regularly to burn off calories.

Source: http://www.simple-remedies.com/

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