9 September 2014

SHOCKING - African peace troops sent to Somalia 'are raping women and girls arriving at their bases in search of water or medical aid'

African peace troops sent to Somalia 'are raping women and girls arriving at their bases in search of water or medical aid'

  • Human Rights Watch said soldiers targeted women and girls on their bases
  • Group interviewed 21 women and girls since 2013 who described being sexually abused or sexually exploited by military personnel
  • Ten separate incidents of sexual abuse and 14 cases of sexual exploitation were documented during the period, the rights group said


African Union soldiers in Somalia have raped and sexually exploited women and girls as young as 12 on their peacekeeping bases, a new report by an international human rights group has alleged.

Human Rights Watch said the soldiers, relying on Somali intermediaries, have at times targeted women and girls who enter the bases through guarded gates seeking medical assistance or water.

The New York-based group said it interviewed 21 women and girls since 2013 who described being sexually abused or sexually exploited by Burundian or Ugandan military personnel in two bases in Mogadishu. 

African Union soldiers in Somalia have raped and sexually exploited women and girls as young as 12, a new report by an international human rights group has alleged (file picture)
African Union soldiers in Somalia have raped and sexually exploited women and girls as young as 12, a new report by an international human rights group has alleged (file picture)
Ten separate incidents of sexual abuse, including rape and sexual assault, and 14 cases of sexual exploitation were documented during the period, the rights group said. 
Four of the rape cases and one sexual assault involved girls under 18. The youngest victim was a 12-year-old girl who was allegedly raped by a Ugandan soldier. 
Several women said the soldiers refused to wear condoms, causing the women to catch sexually transmitted infections as a result, according to the report.
Several also described being slapped and beaten by the soldiers who forced them to have sex.
According to the 71-page report, '"The Power These Men Have Over Us": Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by African Union Forces in Somalia,' only two out of the 21 women and girls interviewed filed a complaint with Somali or other authorities.
One 15-year-old girl went to the Burundian contingent's base to get medicine for her sick mother late 2013, the report says. 
The African Union Mission in Somalia, or AMISOM, was deployed in 2007. Its uniformed force, which numbers more than 22,000, comes from Uganda, Burundi, Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Sierra Leone (file picture - there is no suggestion the soldiers pictured were involved in the abuse)
The African Union Mission in Somalia, or AMISOM, was deployed in 2007. Its uniformed force, which numbers more than 22,000, comes from Uganda, Burundi, Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Sierra Leone (file picture - there is no suggestion the soldiers pictured were involved in the abuse)
A Somali interpreter told her to follow two Burundian soldiers to get medicine. They took her to a remote area and one of the soldiers raped her, Human Rights Watch said. 
'First he ripped off my hijab and then he attacked me,' she is quoted saying. As she was leaving, the second Burundian soldier gave her $10, the report says.
Human Rights Watch said all of the Somali women and girls interviewed were internal refugees from south-central Somalia. 
The human rights group urged troop-contributing countries, the African Union Mission in Somalia and donors to urgently address these abuses and strengthen procedures inside Somalia to seek justice.
'Some African Union soldiers have misused their positions of power to exploit Somalia's most vulnerable women and girls,' said Liesl Gerntholtz, women's rights director at Human Rights Watch.
'Somalia has many intractable problems, but the Somali and AU leadership could end sexual exploitation and abuse by pressing troop-sending countries to hold abusers responsible.'
Somalia has been mired in chaos and conflict since the overthrow of President Siad Barre in 1991. The government is struggling to re-impose order and a new federal structure as it battles Islamist militant group al Shabaab (file picture shows al-Shabaab fighters performing military exercises in Mogadishu)
Somalia has been mired in chaos and conflict since the overthrow of President Siad Barre in 1991. The government is struggling to re-impose order and a new federal structure as it battles Islamist militant group al Shabaab (file picture shows al-Shabaab fighters performing military exercises in Mogadishu)
Countries that contribute peacekeeping personnel have exclusive legal jurisdiction over their soldiers.
Somalia has been mired in chaos and conflict since the overthrow of President Siad Barre in 1991. The government is struggling to re-impose order and a new federal structure as it battles Islamist militant group al Shabaab.
The African Union Mission in Somalia, or AMISOM, was deployed in 2007. Its uniformed force, which numbers more than 22,000, comes from Uganda, Burundi, Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Sierra Leone.
All of the cases documented in the Human Rights Watch report involved Ugandan or Burundian soldiers. But the researchers said they had not had access to bases staffed by soldiers from other countries and believed the problem was widespread.
In a response to Human Rights Watch, AMISOM head Mahamat Saleh Annadif said that, if the report's findings were true, the mission would have to 'double its efforts' to address the situation.
He said the mission was in the process of appointing two conduct and disciplinary officers and a women's protection officer, as well as setting up a 'more robust and confidential reporting mechanism' for victims of misconduct.
AMISOM officials could not be reached by Reuters for comment on the report.

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk

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