1 September 2014

SLEEP BETTER - The Real Reason You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep


The Real Reason You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep

Clock more Zzz’s before you burn out

It’s time to give your Twitter refresh button a break: Web browsing throughout the day may cut into your sleep time, according to a new study conducted by the Technology Policy Institute.
Researchers collected data from the American Time Use Survey, which tracks the time people spend doing different activities such as work, volunteering, and socializing. The findings? Every minute someone surfs the web—checking social media, watching online movies, reading e-mail—was correlated with a seven-second sleep loss. 
While that number might not seem like a big deal, consider this: If you spend three hours online in a day, that means you’re likely to lose 20 minutes of sleep that night—which can seriously screw with your body. And although the study doesn’t prove computer time causes sleep deprivation, it does show a relationship between online activity and sleep deprivation.
Sure, it’s hard to disconnect and live offline with today’s technology—but it’s not as hard as you may think to get more sleep. Try a few sleep postures to get comfy and cozy between the sheets. 
Source: http://www.womenshealthmag.com/

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