23 September 2014

URINARY PROBLEMS - What Is Urosepsis? Treatment Guidelines And How To Prevent It

Sepsis refers to a life threatening condition which is associated with presence of infection in the blood stream. Since the blood is infected, the infection can spread rapidly to other organs and result in severe complications. Urosepsis is a type of sepsis which involves the urinary tract and the prostate. In most cases of urosepsis, hospitalization is inevitable.
The condition is more prevalent in women compared to men and affects the elderly population. People suffering from diabetes or weakened immune system may also be at risk of developing the condition. The common causes for the condition include kidney stones, urethral scaring or enlarged prostate, all of which interfere with the ability of the bladder to empty completely.
This in turn results in accumulation of urine in the bladder, increasing the risk of sepsis of the urinary tract.
The symptoms may begin with typical symptoms of urinary tract infection which include burning sensation during urination, increased urgency, cloudy and offensive urine along with pain in the lower abdomen. As the condition progresses, it may result in systemic symptoms like nausea, vomiting, high grade fever with chills, generalized weakness and fatigue.

How To Prevent Urosepsis?

While the treatment would usually depend upon the underlying cause, there are certain tips that can help prevent the condition,
  • Ensure to drink at least 3 to 4 liters of fluids each day. Fluids help flush the renal system and prevent accumulation of bacteria and germs that cause the infection.
  • Reduce the intake of spicy and pungent foods. These foods can tend to complicate symptoms like burning and itching, especially during a urinary tract infection.
  • Keep your genital area clean. Fill the tub with water and add a disinfectant to the water. Sit in the tub of water for about 10-15 minutes each day. This will clean the external part of the genitals and prevent an infection from ascending upwards into the urinary system through the genitals.
  • Regular intake of cranberry juice is very useful in the management of urinary tract infection. Cranberry juice neutralizes the acidic urine and prevents the growth of bacteria and germs.

Nursing Care Plan For Urosepsis

Urospesis is a life threatening situation and requires immediate hospitalization. The treatment regimen will focus on certain protocols that are known to be efficient in the management of complications associated with the condition,
  • Antibiotics which are specific to the infection are usually prescribed. A blood culture can help identify the antibiotics which are most effective in killing the bacteria. Antibiotics are usually administered intravenously to increase efficacy and hasten recovery.
  • IV fluids are prescribed to help flush the kidneys. These IV fluids can include RL or Dextrose. Depending upon the renal functions of the patient, the IV fluid dosage is decided.
  • In patients suffering from prostate or renal strictures, surgical intervention is inevitable to remove the blockages. In cases of large renal stone, lithotripsy may be performed.

Treatment Guidelines For Urosepsis

While contemporary medicine has specific guidelines for the management of urosepsis, there are certain additional measures, including the use of natural remedies and alternative therapies that might be useful.
  • Homeopathic drugs namely Arsenic Alb and Apis Mel can play an important complementary role. Arsenic alb helps improve renal functions and helps flush the bacteria while Apis can help fight the bacterial infection.
  • Improving intake of Vitamin C can help boost the natural immunity to fight these infections. While Vitamin C supplements are recommended, one can use natural sources of vitamins like lemon and lime juices to boost immunity.

Source: http://www.simple-remedies.com/

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