9 October 2014

EBOLA VIRUS - Death of Thomas Eric Duncan in Dallas Fuels Alarm Over Ebola

DALLAS — For Louise Troh, word of the death of her fiancĂ©, Thomas Eric Duncan, unfolded Wednesday as everything else has since he was found to have Ebola — at a distance.

Dallas County’s chief executive, Clay Jenkins, and the Rev. George Mason of Wilshire Baptist Church drove to the home where Ms. Troh, 54, has been under quarantine with her 13-year-old son and two other young men, all of whom had been living with Mr. Duncan during the time he began to show symptoms of the Ebola virus. They have been under orders from state health officials not to leave the premises for 21 days, the maximum incubation period of the virus.

“We never sat down,” said Mr. Mason, who is the pastor of the church Ms. Troh attends. “We did not touch them. We kept about a three-foot distance from them at all times. This is simply a matter of extreme caution.”

Sgt. Michael Monnig of the Dallas County sheriff’s office was taken to a hospital Wednesday and monitored 
for Ebola exposure. CreditJoe Raedle/Getty Images

The death Wednesday morning of Mr. Duncan, 42, the Liberian man at the center of a widening public health scare and the first person with a case of Ebola diagnosed in the United States, heightened anxiety and fear here. It also renewed questions about whether a delay in receiving treatment could have played a role in his death and what role it played in the possibility of his spreading the disease to others.

His death came on a day when a sergeant with the Dallas County sheriff’s office who had been in the apartment where Mr. Duncan had been staying was rushed to the hospital and monitored for possible exposure to Ebola.

Federal health officials said that they had not confirmed whether the sergeant, identified as Michael Monnig, had definite contact with Ebola or definite symptoms of the virus, but that he was being assessed. Officials said it could take about 48 hours before they were certain of his condition. He was not one of the 48 people being monitored for the disease.

While there were condolences expressed throughout this city over Mr. Duncan’s death, there were also renewed questions about the handling of Mr. Duncan’s case by Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, and about whether Mr. Duncan would still be alive had he been admitted to the hospital when he first went to its emergency room on Sept. 25.

How Many Ebola Patients Are Outside of West Africa?

At least 14 cases have been treated outside of West Africa. 

He was instead released, and returned three days later on Sept. 28 after his condition worsened.

He was instead released, and returned three days later on Sept. 28 after his condition worsened.

“I trust a thorough examination will take place regarding all aspects of his care,” Ms. Troh said in a statement.

A spokeswoman for the Texas Department of State Health Services said officials there were considering investigating the delay in treating Mr. Duncan for Ebola, including the hospital’s compliance with state health and safety laws and regulations. But she added that the agency’s “top focus right now is the contact investigation and monitoring.”

Saymendy Lloyd at a memorial service for Mr. Duncan at Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas.CreditCooper Neill for The New York Times

Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, director of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters on Wednesday that although Ebola is fatal in a high proportion of patients, it is important for the disease to be diagnosed early.

“The earlier someone is diagnosed, the more likely they will be to survive,” Dr. Frieden said.

He declined to speculate on whether the delay had contributed to Mr. Duncan’s death. But agency officials have said generally that basic interventions — including intravenous fluids and electrolytes, and maintaining blood pressure — can significantly improve Ebola patients’ chances of survival.

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/09/us/ebola-us-thomas-eric-duncan.html

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