26 October 2014

MH370 - No confirmation plane debris found in Indonesia, says Transport Ministry

Published: Friday October 24, 2014 MYT 6:52:00 PM 
Updated: Friday October 24, 2014 MYT 6:53:35 PM

PUTRAJAYA: Indonesia has not confirmed if they have found debris from the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, said deputy Transport Ministry secretary-general Datuk Ruhaizah Mohamed Rashid.
"We have not received any information from there, and if there is, the Indonesian authorities will get in touch with the Malaysian authorities," she told reporters after attending a briefing for the media on the current status of the search for Flight MH370, here, Friday.
The briefing was given by Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) chief coordinator Judith Zielke and Australian Transport Safety Bureau spokesman Peter Forley.
Ruhaizah said that if any debris believed to be from the plane was found, it would be brought to Australia to be photographed and sent to Boeing for verification.
She said it was hoped that the search, which was now more focused, would come up with some success.
Flight MH370 dropped off radar on March 8 as it flew from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew on board.
The Boeing 777 aircraft has yet to be found, even after an exhaustive search in the southern Indian Ocean.
The search continues with the focus now on an area where the aircraft is believed to have gone down. - Bernama
Source: http://www.thestar.com.my/

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