20 October 2014

NO EXCUSE - How to beat your exercise excuses

Commando Steve says there's no excuse not to train

How to beat your exercise excuses
Excuses. I can’t stand them. Every second person I speak to has one. “I went to bed too late”, they declare. “The kids are too full on at the moment”, “Work is MENTAL!”, “I’ve just lost my mojo”… You know what? I’ve heard them all. I’ve also met my share of people with real dedication though; the people who see the seeds of an excuse and use the challenge like a red flag to a bull, charging at it full steam ahead and getting their fitness where it belongs - right up the top of their list of life’s priorities.  
Here’s a list I put together to help you combat your setbacks.

1. Stop feeling guilty about making time for yourself

While you might be the playmaker of your office or the cornerstone of your household, there are very few people who can honestly say that a catastrophe would happen because they took half an hour out to get some exercise. This is the one I hear the most from mums and, yet, it’s the sleep-deprived mums who often survive on the leftovers of their kids' meals and spend the whole day picking up toys and coordinating toilet trips who really need the time out.
2. Just start - Five minutes is better than no movement at all
Most people don’t wake up in the morning and say “Gee, I’d love to go and slug my guts out in the gym!”. The thing is just to get up. Set your alarm and just get out of bed; don’t think about it. After that, if you’re still struggling to get motivated, commit to five minutes. Anyone can do that. It’s a sure bet that once you’re up, out of bed; gym clothes on and a little brighter-eyed, you’ll be smashing out 20, 30, 60 minutes before you know it.
3. Keep it simple (don't make 'it's too hard' an option)
This is a big one. The amount of people I meet who go straight from couch surfing to aspiring to compete in the CrossFit Games is incredible. While I’m sure some people do, the majority lose steam and go back to bad habits before long. I’m not one to tell you to set your sights low, but you have to be realistic. If your workout is too difficult or time consuming not only do you run the risk of ‘getting over it’, you could also do yourself an injury.
4. Turn off the telly (get to bed)
Really? Is what you’re watching worth the struggle to get out of bed tomorrow? Is that re-run of Friends that engrossing? No, I didn’t think so.
5. Commit - make a statement to your family; shout it loud on Facebook. Be accountable.
When you make a commitment, it’s so much harder to break it than if you kept it to yourself. The more people you recruit to help you achieve your goals, the more successful you will be. Even better, commit to an event: a fun run, obstacle race or ocean swim. Opt to raise money for a cause while you’re at it. Attract as many eyeballs to your goal as you can to keep yourself accountable. 
Change for the Better
What serves as a reasonable excuse right now could be ludicrous to a fitter and healthier version of you. Tell the mum I train who has four kids (one with a severe disability) that you can’t take time away from the kids to stay fit and it would be great to be a fly on the wall when you tell the shift worker I train early in the morning that you couldn’t get up because you were out until 12:30pm. 
Get out of your own way. You’re only limited by what you tell yourself. It’s time to rid your life of excuses and make way for a healthier and happier lifestyle.
Source: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au

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