10 October 2014

RACE & ETHNIC - Czech vs. Slovak

Czechs are people living in the Czech Republic whereas people inhabiting Slovakia are known as Slovaks. Historically, the region now known as Czech Republic was once part of the Austrian empire whereas the Slovak area was a part of the Kingdom of Hungary.

Comparison chart



Religious FaithAtheist, Catholic, Evangelical SectPredominantly Catholic
Geographical locationThe Czech Republic is located in the central part of Europe, Southeast of Germany.Slovakia is located in Central Europe, to the Southeast of the Czech Republic.
LanguageCzech language is close to literary form of Slovak; some differences lie in the vocabulary.Slovak language is part of the slovenian language group, much older than most of other languages in the group.(like Czech)
DefinitionPeople living in the Czech republic.People inhabiting Slovakia.

Geographical Location

The Czech Republic is located in Central Europe, with Germany bordering on the Northwest, Poland to the Northeast, Slovakia to the Southeast and Austria to the South. Historically, the Czech Republic was made up of three regions, Bohemia, Moravia and Czech Silesia. Now it is divided into 14 regions. Slovakia is located to the southeast of Czech Republic, and shares its borders with Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Ukraine. Slovakia consists of eight regions.

Map of Slovakia, the Czech Republic and neighboring countries in Europe

Czech - Slovak History

The Czech Republic and Slovakia were a part of the Austro-Hungarian state before World War I. In 1918, Czechoslovakia emerged as a single nation. Though the Czechs and Slovaks occupied the same state, there was much disparity in the two regions with respect to the economic conditions and technological development. Also, the German-Western influence was stronger in Czechs whereas Slovaks were under Hungarian influence. Thus, the former were more urban and dominant than Slovaks.
The German invasion in 1938 forced most of the Czechs and Slovak Nationalists into exile. This nation was reunited after World War II in 1945, and came under communist control. The differences between the two groups continued to increase under the communist party and towards the end of 1991 there was a strong Slovakian Nationalist movement demanding independence of Slovakia. The Czech and Slovakian leaders finally resolved the issue peacefully by separating the regions into two separate nations, the Czech republic and Slovakia on January 1, 1993.

Differences in Language

Czechs speak the Czech language which exists in two forms, the literary and colloquial. Slovaks speak a language, Slovak, which is similar to the literary version of the Czech language. The vocabulary in both languages is slightly different. Slovak grammar is somewhat simpler than Czech grammar.

Differences in Topography and Climate

The Czech Republic is known for its irregular terrain, with Western region part of the European upland and the Eastern region a part of Carpathian mountains and Danube river basin. Land in Slovakia is mainly mountainous with the Carpathian mountains in the Northern part of the country. Climate in Czech Republic is primarily continental, whereas that in Slovakia is between temperate and continental.

Differences in Religious Faith

Czechs have adopted faiths other than Catholics, including Protestants and Evangelical sects, Slovaks believe in freedom of religion and people following different belief systems, though the majority have remained Catholic.

Economy of Czech Republic vs Slovakia

Czech and the Slovak economy are market–driven economies with major privatizations. According to a survey done by Median research company in 2003, the Czechs have been politically and economically more successful than Slovaks in the 1990s. The Czech republic had a GDP per capita of $26,100, which is 82% of the European Union average, in 2008, and Slovakia had a GDP per capita of $22, 600, which is 70% of the EU average.
Chief exports of the Czech Republic include machinery and transport equipment, raw chemicals, and fuel, and imports include machinery and transport goods, raw materials and oil, chemical and food. The chief exports for Slovakia include vehicles, iron and steel machinery, energy equipment, plastics and fibre optics, and imports include machinery, vehicles, electrical equipment, mineral fuels, oils, audio/video equipment and base metals.
The trading partners for the Czech Republic are Germany, Slovakia, Poland, France, Austria, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia, China, UK, and the United States. The main trading partners for Slovakia include Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy, Russia, Austria, Hungary, Poland and France.

Differences in Food and Diet

Czechs enjoy meat dishes, including pork, beef, chicken, goose, duck, rabbit, and wild game. Fish is not so popular with Czech people. Slovaks enjoy staple food such as potatoes, milk and milk products, rice and other high calorie foods. Modern Slovak cuisine is influenced by other cuisines, and spices.

Source: http://www.diffen.com/difference/Czech_vs_Slovak

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