11 October 2014

STAY HEALTHY - Happy thoughts boost your immunity

Think your way to a better immune system

Happy thoughts boost your immunity
A positive attitude can improve your immune system and may help you live longer, according to a University of Queensland study.
The research, which followed a group of adults aged between 65 and 90 over two years, found that people who focused on positive information were more likely to have stronger immune systems.
Participants were shown a series of positive and negative photos, which they were later asked to recall, and their immune function was also measured through a series of blood tests.
“Participants who recalled more positive than negative images had antibodies in their blood suggesting stronger immune systems than those of their counterparts, who did not show this positivity in memory,” Lead researcher Dr Elise Kalokerinos says.
“A person who focuses on positive information over negative information may be better able to cope with stressful situations, may take a more positive long-term outlook on life, and may maintain positive social interactions, thus reaping the immune benefits.
“These findings raise the possibility that humans have evolved to become more positive late in life in order to enhance their own longevity.”
Source: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/

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