21 October 2014

WOMEN - Overcoming period problems

For many women menstruation can be difficult, 
but there may be a solution

Overcoming period problems
Menstrual problems are one of the most common reasons that women see their doctor. Indeed, 80 per cent of women experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and between 40 to 70 per cent suffer from period pain, with about one in 10 experiencing so much discomfort it interferes with their daily lives.

Common issues: heavy bleeding

Called menorrhagia, heavy bleeding can be caused by a hormone imbalance or uterine fibroids and polyps.
Medical: If there is no underlying problem, bleeding can be reduced with non-hormonal tablets, oral contraceptives or by fitting a progesterone contraceptive coil. Surgery may also be considered, such as stripping the womb lining or removing the uterus.
Holistic: Supplements are given as an iron deficiency is likely.

Infrequent periods

Oligomenorrhoea refers to irregular or infrequent periods that occur between every six weeks and six months. This can be triggered by polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal disorder.
Medical: If the cause is PCOS, weight loss will be encouraged. The Pill may be offered to regulate your cycle.
Holistic: Dietary changes such as reducing sugar and refined carbohydrates, weight loss, if necessary, and herbs or supplements may be prescribed, for example, peony tablets or vitamin D.

Periods have stopped

Secondary amenorrhoea is the term used when a woman not in menopause has not had her period for six months. It can be triggered by stress, serious illness, eating disorders and over-exercising. It can also indicate PCOS, hormonal problems or can occur when you stop taking the contraceptive pill.
Medical: Encourage weight loss, if necessary, and offer the Pill.
Holistic: Dietary changes and herbs and supplements prescribed to correct hormonal imbalances.

Painful periods

Referred to as dysmenorrhoea, pain occurs in the lower abdomen and can radiate to the back and thighs. While it may indicate endometriosis, often there is no underlying disease as it involves prostaglandins, chemicals that initiate uterine contractions to expel tissue and fluids.
Medical: Take over-the-counter pain medication, such as ibuprofen, when you feel the cramps coming, the earlier, the better. If this doesn't help, the Pill may be offered.
Holistic: Dietary changes such as avoiding junk food. Supplements may be prescribed, such as magnesium, which calms the nervous system and is a muscle relaxant. When you're experiencing cramps, try lying down with a hot-water bottle or do some gentle exercise, such as walking or swimming.

Premenstrual syndrome

There are numerous symptoms associated with PMS but the most common ones include low mood and irritability, breast tenderness and bloating.
Medical: Lifestyle changes such as improving diet and increasing exercise. Evening primrose oil and vitamin B6 may also be suggested.
Holistic: Try remedies from the health food store or a naturopath may prescribe a magnesium supplement as well as diet and exercise changes.

Visit your GP if

  • Your menstrual cycle is shorter than 21 days or more than 35 days long.
  • You experience heavy bleeding for more than a week.
  • You soak tampons or pads and feel dizzy or fatigued (this may indicate an iron deficiency).
  • You bleed between periods.
  • You bleed after intercourse.

Age matters

  • Young women are more likely to experience painful periods, heavy bleeding and acne.
  • Women aged 30 to 45 are more likely to experience severe PMS.
  • Women approaching menopause may experience heavy flow.

Source: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/

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