28 November 2014

LEG PAIN - Calf Pain

Article by John Miller

Calf Pain

Calf pain is a common occurrence in sports that include running, jumping, hopping and landing activities. Your calf muscle group essentially consists of two muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus) that attach to your Achilles tendon. 
Calf injuries can occur to both muscle and tendon structures. They are commonly caused by excessive forces during explosive contraction, eccentric control loading or when your calf muscles fatigue.
Your calf muscles protect your shin bone from the rear and both sides. However, excessive load through your shin bone (tibia) can result in shin pain and its related injuries. 

Common Sources of Calf Pain

The most common sources of leg pain include a torn calf muscle, achilles tendonitis and leg cramps. 
Here is a list of some common causes of calf pain.
  • Achilles Tendon Rupture
  • Achilles Tendonitis / Tendinitis
  • Calf Muscle Tear
  • High Ankle Sprain
  • Muscle Strain (Muscle Pain)
  • Overuse Injuries
  • Pinched Nerve
  • Sciatica
  • Severs Disease
  • Shin Splints
  • Sprained Ankle
  • Stress Fracture
  • Referred Calf Pain & Blood Clots

    Calf pain is commonly as a result of referred pain eg Sciatica or can be due to Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT's). 
    Sciatica is a condition caused by a pinched nerve in your lower back. Fortunately, it can usually be treated successfully with physiotherapy. The occasional patient requires spinal surgery.
    DVT's are the most serious concerns and can result in pulmonary embolism, stroke or potentially death! Your calf pain should be excluded for the possibility of a DVT as au URGENT PRIORITY. 
    Please consult your doctor or physiotherapist to assess and exclude a DVT.

    Calf Pain Treatment

    With accurate assessment and early treatment, most calf pain responds extremely quickly to physiotherapy allowing you to quickly resume pain-free and normal activities of daily living.
    Please ask you physiotherapist for their professional treatment advice.
    Source: http://physioworks.com.au/Injuries-Conditions/Regions/calf-pain-leg-pain

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