11 November 2014

MH370 - Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: MAS director ‘inadvertently’ reveals the truth

November 10, 2014  4:03 AM MST

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 vanished eight months ago. From the very beginning, Malaysia Airlines Management (MAS) tried to force closure upon the family members of the missing plane’s passengers by offering them money. In a Voice370 Press Statement on Nov. 10, the family members of MH370 express their shock and confusion as to why Australia’s ATSB just signed a multimillion dollar contract to search for the missing Boeing 777in a large region of the 7th Arc in the Southern Indian Ocean when Malaysia Airlines Management knew all along that MH370 was lost.

Voice370, which is the association for the families of the passengers and crew on board Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, has as its mission to seek the truth about what really happened to the Boeing 777 and “to find our loved ones onboard MH370.”

Besides the trending theory that the missing plane landed on the island Diego Garcia where the United States Navy operates its Naval Support Facility with large naval ships, a submarine support base, military air base, communications and space-tracking facility, the more likely theory is that MH370 was hijacked and shot down -- the only question is by whom.

Shortly after the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, Malaysia’s government confirmed that the Boeing 777 was in fact hijacked. Even eight months later, on Nov. 10, the Malaysia Chronicle published an article titled MH370: Evidence points to SOPHISTICATED HIJACKERS. However, for whatever reason, Malaysia’s government changed its hijacking story back in March and Australia took over the search for the missing plane.

Last week, Malaysia Airlines Management director Hugh Dunleavy said that “MH370 might be declared officially lost by the end of the year" and that both the Australian and Malaysian government were in the process of setting a date for the formal announcement of the loss of the Boeing 777.

Voice370 states in its press statement that Malaysia Airlines Management has tried to pay off the family members of the missing passengers and crew members since March. Once MH370 would be officially declared lost, MAS could start full compensation payments.

According to the latest MH370 update provided by the Australian government, Phase 2 of the search for the missing plane is just beginning. “Please be assured that work is continuing and is aimed at finding MH370.” As seen in the above video, Malaysia's defense minister Hishammuddin Hussein just recently insisted that "Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 will eventually be found."

Following MAS director Dunleavy’s announcement that Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 would be declared lost by the end of the year, Voice370 is wondering whether Mr. Dunleavy “inadvertently let the cat out of the bag” and told the truth about MH370 – the missing plane will never be found because some governments do not want it to be found.

Source: http://www.examiner.com/article/malaysia-airlines-flight-mh370-mas-director-inadvertently-reveals-truth

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