1 December 2014

EBOLA NEWS - Patient at risk for Ebola admitted to Griffin Hospital

Posted: Dec 01, 2014 3:25 AM Updated: Dec 01, 2014 4:45 AM
By Kaitlyn Naples

By Olivia Lank


A patient who could be at risk for Ebola has been admitted to Griffin Hospital in Derby on Sunday. 

Officials at Griffin Hospital stated they have an adult male who traveled to Liberia recently and returned to Connecticut within the past 24 to 48 hours. 

According to officials, the patient was brought to Griffin Hospital by ambulance, but with a condition not symptomatically related to Ebola. Due to being in Liberia, Griffin Hospital put its Ebola response plan into place. 

The male was initially quarantined in the hospital, but after consulting with with state health officials and the CDC the person was taken out of quarantine. Officials did not say why the patient was taken out of quarantine at this time. 

The patient was determined to not have Ebola-like symptoms at this time, but is still staying at the hospital. 

Caregivers who were in contact with this patient are asked to take their temperature twice a day.


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