9 December 2014

MH370: Russia’s Grand Plan To Provoke World War III, Says Independent Investigator

By Athena Yenko | December 7, 2014 7:20 PM EST
The missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370 could be in Kazakhstan, hijacked by Russia as part of its elaborate scheme of provoking World War III against the United States and its ally countries, Jeff Wise supposed. Wise is a science, technology and adventure writer. He is also a member of the Independent Group or IG with members dedicated to conduct their own investigation of the disappearance of MH370. IG's members are aircraft, satellite, radar and meteorological systems experts.
Wise presented his supposition in an extensive, elaborate and technically eloquent 6-part article that displays his profound grasp of the subject. He floated his theory supported with interesting points.
Among these points was a particular event in the lead up to the disappearance of MH370. On March 6, United States President Barack Obama signed an executive order imposing sanctions against Russia for its alleged involvement over Ukraine, Wise recalled. At the time, Russia's foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, was quoted as saying that the sanctions will have a boomerang effect to the U.S., Wise highlighted, citing a Reuters report as source. MH370 disappeared on March 8.
The same scenario happened in the days before the downing of MH17, Wise pointed out. On July 16, Mr Obama had announced new sanctions against Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin was then quoted as saying that the new sanctions are going to be harmful to America's national interests, Wise noted. On July 17, MH17 was shot down.
Wise began his article with a spoof scenario - a satire from which he described a brainstorming session among those who orchestrated the grand plot, hence the title of his piece, "The Spoof."In this part of his article, he set up a scenario where the master minds designated three people to carry out the plan. These people will pose as passengers and will fly aboard MH370.
Among the passengers of MH370, there is one Russian and two Ukrainians - Nikolai Brodsky, Oleh Chustrak and Serhei Deineka - Wise highlighted, citing the preliminary report released by the Malaysian government on May 1 as source. Both Russia and Ukraine declined to heed Malaysia's request to conduct background checks with its citizens. All countries with citizens aboard the missing plane obliged. 
Wise found no evidence proving that these three men hijacked MH370. However, he was able to uncover some mysterious information about them.   Through his own investigation and interviews, seeking help from some Russian translators, Wise found out that Brodsky is passionate about diving icy waters with poor visibility - to diving spots requiring the use of specialty oxygen. Brodsky apparently hates long travel abroad and diving warm water. But for that particular trip aboard MH370, he was willing to go scuba diving in Bali. As how his co-club members said, Brodsky joining the club to Bali was "pretty unexpected." Oddly, Brodsky's wife believes he is still alive, will come back and will tell all, Wise found out.
Wise was also able to contact a woman named Mila Breeze who is friends with all these three men. At first, Breeze was willing to grant an interview but told Wise that she needed to ask the men's wives first. Apparently, they all think that the men are still alive, Breeze told Wise. However, the interview with her did not happen. She stopped responding to Wise's calls and emails.
In his analysis, Wise confessed that he could not think of any motive why Russia would take MH370 and down MH17. But he is guessing that both MH17 and MH370 were Russia's means of retaliation against sanctions imposed by the West. Going back to part 1 of his six-part analysis, he believes MH370 was particularly targeted because the plane has all the technical, physical and geo-political vulnerabilities needed to make the hijacking successful.
"After the sinking of the Lusitania, the US was ready to go to war with Germany. But the United States is not ready to go to war with Russia. While Putin is floating visions of World War III, the West is chuckling nervously and assuring itself that it's really all just bluster. He wouldn't do that-would he?" Wise wrote in the final part of his analysis.
The mystery surrounding the disappearance of MH370 had attracted numbers of conspiracy theorists. While they might mean well, conspiracy theories are unhelpful in the way that they cast doubts against the authorities' effort and capabilities, head of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau Martin Dolan said.
Dolan said MH370 is a big mystery that everyone wants to know the answer, hence the many theories. MH370, in fact, is ATSB's "greatest challenge yet and the most intriguing one," Dolan told The Sydney Morning Herald in November.
But the difference between conspiracy theorists and the authorities is that auhtorities put the feelings of the families first and foremost, Dolan said. He said that finding the answers will give the grieving families their much needed closure - and for this "we really do want to find the answers," Dolan said.
Source: http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/575094/20141207/mh370-russia-vladimir-putin-mh17-world-war.htm#.VIb_9TSUcxA

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