8 December 2014

MH370: Victims' families asked for DNA samples

MH370: Victims' families asked for DNA samples

Refined search along Indian Ocean strip

Latest:  Malaysian Airlines has confirmed that police’s forensic team had requested families of MH370 victims to provide their DNA samples, according to a report in Asiaone.
MAS said that their top priority is to "provide care and assistance" to the families of the passengers and crew affected by the MH370 tragedy.
Earlier reports: Fresh drift model to help debris search
Australia is working on new drift modelling to expand the geographical area in which wreckage from missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 may come ashore, the Australian search coordinator said on Wednesday.
Initial analysis had suggested that the first debris from the plane could come ashore on Indonesia's Western Sumatra after about 123 days.
"We are currently working ... to see if we can get an updated drift model for a much wider area where there might be possibilities of debris washing ashore," search coordinator Peter Foley told reporters in Perth.
Foley said the research centre was receiving reports at least once a week of debris washed up on the Australian coastline, but none has so far been identified as coming from the missing aircraft.
The drift modelling supplements an ongoing surface and underwater search for the plane, which disappeared over the remote Indian Ocean on March 8, with 239 people on board.
Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) Chief Commissioner Martin Dolan on Tuesday dismissed suggestions there was disagreement among the five groups that make up the international team - America's Boeing Co, France's Thales , US investigator the National Transportation Safety Board and the Australian Defence Science and Technology Organisation - on where to search. (Reuters)
This video explains why Malaysian plane is still missing
A video has been released explaining the nitty-gritties involved in the search of the Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370, which went missing almost 8 months ago, Yahoo News reported.

The plane that disappeared in March had 239 passengers on board and was bound for Beijing from Kuala Lumpur.

The video states, "The search area is a long way from land, the water is very deep and the seafloor is largely uncharted."

Stressing on the ongoing search, "The expert satellite working group - comprised the best international minds in this field - is continually refining analysis of the available data to identify the areas of the highest priority.”

Search for MH370 includes all possible points along the Indian Ocean. They will be focusing on those areas where communication between the plane and a satellite could have taken place.

As the seafloor in the search area is 6km deep and cannot be penetrated by daylight, a detailed underwater search is being carried out,

Towed submersible vehicles fitted with sonar systems are being used in search.

The search is being conducted by the Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JAAC), a co-operative effort between Australia, Malaysia and China.

Judith Zielke, Chief Coordinator of JAAC told the New Straits Times last month that the search had begun with the optimism that the plane would eventually be found.

"We are planning for when the aircraft is located. We want to be ready to put in place all that is required at that time," she said.

"We are into the seventh month of the search and we want to be as ready as we possibly can."

Video was released shortly after Malaysian Airlines commercial director Hugh Dunleavy’s statement where he said the MH370 would be announced lost, thereby ending the search.

The comment outraged families of those who had travelled on the ill-fated flight.

Malaysia Airlines later distanced itself from Dunleavy's comments.

Source: http://www.emirates247.com/news/mh370-victims-families-asked-for-dna-samples-2014-12-06-1.546548

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