30 September 2013

HEALTHY EATING - Coca-Cola Cares About Your Health???

By Douglas Robb

For years, Coca-Cola and their competitors have been taking a beating for producing high calorie/low nutrition products. They have politicians lining up against them (see Michael Bloomberg)…they have parent organizations coming after them…they have the press kicking them when they’re down…and of course, they have the medical community up in arms against them.
coca cola kills Coca Cola Cares About Your Health???

And all this abuse is actually having an effect. Coca-Cola seem to be finally coming around to the fact that…
  1. We have a collective problem with obesity
  2. Food producers shoulder some of the blame
  3. There is money to be made selling low-calorie products
  4. There is money to be lost if they try to ignore this problem
And since they are in business to make money, they have been making changes to their product lineup…..and they want you to know about it.

This commercial will begin airing tonight across all the major US cable news networks.

What do you think?
  • Does Coca-Cola deserve some credit for recognizing and trying to correct their role in creating an obesity epidemic?

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