30 September 2013

HEALTHY EATING - Celsius: The First Healthy Energy Drink?

By Douglas Robb

What comes to mind when I say: ENERGY DRINK?
Personally…. I think of the idiot frat boys who live two blocks down the street from me who like to pound Red Bulls & vodka on a Wednesday afternoon and do stupid stuff on their skateboards
So….when the folks at Celsius contacted me about trying out some samples of their product, my initial & immediate response was to say “no thanks” and get back to work.
However….in their email, they mentioned that their product was “natural”. And when I think of “energy drinks”, I don’t think natural. I think chemicals and artificial sweeteners and the aforementioned idiot frat boys and gym rats and people who don’t give a crap about their health.

Which probably makes a ton of sense from a business perspective.
But what about us health & fitness geeks?
There are some afternoons when my energy is drained from long hours of work and my brain is having a tough time writing blog posts that don’t suck swamp water.
On days like that… I can really use a dose of liquid energy. But I want that energy drink to be healthy & chemical free.

As you can see, Celsius contains the 3 big “energy drink” ingredients – CaffeineTaurine andGlucuronolactone.
However, unlike their competitors, Celsius also contains:
  • Ginger extract,
  • Green Tea leaf extract,
  • Your daily dose of Vit C and,
  • A whole whack of B Vitamins
Equally important to me were the ingredients that weren’t included:
Instead of that crap, Celsius sweetens it’s drinks with sucralose and/or stevia.
Based on all that, I decided to give up my afternoon espresso for a week to beta-test some Celsius samples.
And after seven days of taste testing…. and it turns out that I like this stuff.
  • It definitely gave me a mid-afternoon boost,
  • Without any jitteriness
  • It tasted pretty good – some flavors better than others
  • No afternoon coffee breath
Celsius markets to people who:
  1. Want the buzz of an energy drink,
  2. Is “proven” to reduce body-fat, and
  3. Is HEALTHY.
And while I’m not too blown away by the -100 calorie claim, I can honestly say that Celsius provides:
  1. A very un-jittery boost in energy,
  2. Tastes pretty darn good,
  3. Has a bunch of useful micronutrients
  4. Isn’t full of harmful chemicals
And because I love you guys so much, I talked the Celsius rep into doing a giveaway of a bunch of Celsius product.

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