30 September 2013

HEALTHY EATING - Does Ketone Drink = EZ Weight Loss?

By Douglas Robb

Oxford researcher, Dr. Kieran Clarke has created a new type of ketone-based endurance drink designed to…
  • Generate significant weight loss
  • Improve mental alertness
  • Improve cognitive function
…as well as treat, prevent or reduce the effects of…
KETONE ADE Does Ketone Drink = EZ Weight Loss?
In short, this supplement MAY make you leaner, smarter, healthier, faster, stronger and less prone to diabetes, alzheimer’s, parkinson’s, huntington’s, heart disease and metabolic syndrome.
Note that I say MAY.
The science is all very new. According to Doc Clarke:
“We are very excited about our research, which we think shows great promise. Our primary interest so far has been to understand how the body’s metabolism responds and makes use of our ketone drink.
We are a long way yet from showing meaningful benefits as a treatment for disease or in aiding athletes’ endurance, and while we think it is possible that the ketone drink may have benefits in slowing Alzheimer’s progression, no one has done much research on this as yet…although this remains of great interest to us.”
How great an interest???
Great enough to apply for a US patent.
ketone drink patent app Does Ketone Drink = EZ Weight Loss?
Can you imagine how much money Dr. Clarke will make if this product lives up to it’s potential?

The Science

  • Previous research indicates that a state of elevated ketones may improve physical and cognitive performance.
  • Unfortunately, direct administration of ketone bodies is unpractical and potentially dangerous
  • Fortunately, there are ketone precursors that might give her the same effect without any of the downsides.
On of those ketone precursors is  (R)-3-hydroxybutyl (R)-3-hydroxybutyrate, the ketone monoester that Dr. Clarke has been administering in the form of a meal replacement drink to her healthy human volunteers.
In one pilot study, eight adults with type 2 diabetes to see whether the drink produced any effect. The volunteers had three ketone drinks a day for five days and had their weight, cholesterol, and blood sugar monitored. Their weight dropped an average of nearly two per cent(in 5 days), as did their levels of glucose, cholesterol and fat in the blood.
In another study, Dr. Clarke gave 22 elite rowers the ketone drink and monitored the distances they achieved in 30 minutes on an indoor rowing machine.
One rower broke a world record and five others beat their personal best.
I am thoroughly geeked-up about the potential of this supplement.
Fingers crossed people.

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