30 November 2013

HEALTHY EATING - Top 10 Fruits that are Rich in Fibre Content

Article by erica

Fibre helps to maintain an ideal weight. It helps in the absorption of water and cleansing of bowels. Fibres should be included in everyone’s diet. inorder to maintain good health. One should also drink lots of water while increasing the fibre content in the diet. It helps to keep the digestive system in good working order. Refined foods and foodstuffs high in saturated fat content should be cut down to a very great extent as it only decreases the fibre content. Sudden increase in fibre content should be avoided as it leads to intestinal gas, bloating and bowel cramps. Including fresh fruits in the diet is the best way to increase the fibre content in the body. Here are a list of few fruits which will greatly benefit in increasing the fibre content in our body :
10. Figs :
From preventing cancer, to lowering blood pressure, figs offer more than just their sweet taste. Figs are a rich source of fibre. Fresh figs have more fibre content than dried figs. Although fresh figs are not available throughout the year as they are seasonal, one can buy a tin of fresh fig pulp from the supermarkets these days. One fresh fig contains 2 to 4 grams of fibre. Black figs have better flavor than green figs. Besides being a good source of fibre, figs are a good source of potassium which in turn helps to control blood pressure by causing blood vessels to relax. Their rich source of fibre helps in prevention of chronic constipation and any sort of gastrointestinal diseases. Figs should be eaten by all as they are very essential for are health.
9. Blueberries :

As strange as they may sound, but yes blueberries have an amazing fibre content which is very essential for our body. The fibre present in the blueberries helps in control of any inflammatory diseases of the bowel. A slice of whole wheat bread provides less fibre than a half bowl of blueberries. Blueberries help in getting rid of constipation. Blueberries taste excellent and hence are a personal favorite of many. If never tried blueberries before one should definitely give it a try as it has the pectin fibre which makes it unique from the rest of the fruits. Blueberries are a diabetic’s best friend as they also help to control blood sugar level.
8. Avocado :
One avocado provides around 12g dietary fibre which is nearly half the recommended fibre target for women. Women specially require fibre specially during their menstrual cycle. Half an avocado provides 3 to 4 g of fibre and prevents constipation and helps in maintaining a good and efficient running digestive system. It contains both soluble and insoluble fibres as well as essential fats. It is proved to be a boon to the diabetic patients as they are naturally low in sugar and sodium. It also controls the blood sugar level and reduces inflammation. An avocado a day can assure that you are eating a healthy dose of high dietary fibre.
7. Prunes :

There are two types of fibres available soluble and insoluble and prunes contain both in rich amounts. They have a good laxative effect. They help to reduce blood cholesterol and help to reduce blood glucose levels. They are high in disease fighting antioxidants and help in keeping a person healthy. They contain a high amount of dietary fibres and help reduce blood cholesterol levels and blood glucose level. Prunes contain sorbitol which have a natural laxative effect on the body. One cup of uncooked prunes contain 12 gm of fibre. They are one of the best source of vitamin K which prevents blood clotting. They are also vital for strong bones.They are a great source of phenols which helps to prevent oxygen damage to the cells.
6. Grapes :
Grapes are a great source of fibres and are used for preventing diseases of the heart and varicose veins, hemorrhoids, hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, swelling after injury or surgery, heart attack and stroke. They are used as  laxative therefore they are used as a  part of detoxification process. Grape seeds are  also used for diabetes complications such as eye problems and nerve disorders, improving wound healing and preventing tooth decay. They are also used in preventing cancer. Dried grapes and raisins are used for cough. Grape leaf is used in chronic fatigue syndrome, diarrhea, heavy menstrual bleeding, uterine bleeding and canker sores
5. Apricot :
Apricots are the most unique type of fruit and are very high in fibre and water content. A dried Apricot contains 3.1 g of fibre in every 50 gm of it whereas the fresh Apricots contain 2 g of fibre in every 3 – 5 ounce. The nutrients in Apricot have proved to be very useful specially for our eyes and heart. The high fibre content helps in preventing chronic constipation, help in the digestion process and even stomach cancer. Apricots have proved to beneficial in the treatment of anemia, arthritis and rheumatism. One should consume atleast one Apricot a day and if the person doesn’t like the taste of it he can even try the jams made from Apricots.
4. Oranges :
Oranges maybe sour to us, but we must not forget how important the Orange is to us. The fibre content of this fruit is no doubt very high compared to the other fruits and since it is readily available(mostly througout the year) unlike the other fruits it makes the Orange even more precious. One Orange contains more than 3 to 4 g of fibre. However one should avoid peeling off the fibre like threads on the outside while using making Orange juice or while using Orange in cooking. Oranges contain soluble fibre. It increases the stool bulk and it also decreases the blood cholesterol level. Orange marmalade also has a very high dietary fibre content. One can use it in puddings and other sweet dishes if he does not like to eat raw oranges.
3. Apple :
An Apple a day keeps a doctor away is surely the most true statement we have ever come across. Apple has won over all the fruits be it in sugar content, vitamin, minerals or fibre content. It is the best fruit which can keep us fit at all times. The Apple contains a very high fibre content. One whole Apple contains 5 to 6 g of fibre whereas a half apple contains 2 to 4 g of fibre. However, one should avoid removing the skin of the Apple while consuming one because you lose around 1 to 2 g of fibre which will prove to be a very big loss. The fibre present in an Apple is soluble and is very useful is reducing the fat content in the body. Most of the fibre content is present int he skin. The fibre also helps in the digestion process and prevents constipation.
2. Papaya:
Papaya contains important nutrients including potassium, calcium, vitamin A and vitamin C. It also contains digestive enzymes and breakdown proteins. Papaya also contains fibres which is essential in proper bowel movement and provides roughage. This fleshy fruit helps in proper blood circulation and also acts as a blood purifier. It also has been used in traditional system of medicine due to its wide variety of health benefits. It is rich in fibres and lowers cholesterol levels. It contains enzymes which helps  oxidation of cholesterol which prevents heart attacks. It helps in building immunity which prevents cold, cough and fever. Papaya prevents premature aging as it dissolves dead cells. Papaya also helps in preventing constipation and indigestion.
Banana is the richest fruit in fibres. It has laxative effect and helps in formation of bulky stools. Its sweet taste cannot be avoided by anyone and hence this fruit is loved by everyone. Banana has a very high fibre content and many do not know about this fact. Banana is a very important fruit and should be added in our diet everyday. It is not very hard to find as it is available throughout the year. It also contains vitamin B6 which helps in regulation of blood cholesterol level. However unripe bananas may cause constipation and eating too many ripe bananas may cause bloating of the stomach. The fibre in the banana helps in prevention of obesity and high cholesterol. One can even try adding banana powder to the milk. It not only tastes good but also boosts the energy level.
A diet rich in fibre is very essential specially in today’s world, where people are victims of obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes etc. due to the their diet which is rich in saturated fats. Hence one must include fruits in their diet to increase the fibre content in the body.

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