4 January 2014

PEOPLE - The moment brave female cashier pulled petrol station robber over the counter by his HAIR

The moment brave female cashier pulled petrol station robber over the counter by his HAIR

  • - Rasika Yakanwala, 27, was working alone when two men came in
  • - One robber reached for the register, but was wrestled to the ground
  • - The man, Manny Buckland, 39, was chased out of the store
  • - Meanwhile Stuart Battams, 41, stayed in the background
  • - The two men had already failed to rob one store that day
  • - Both were jailed last month at Luton Crown Court

A female cashier was captured on CCTV bravely struggling with two men who were trying to rob the petrol station where she works.

Rasika Yakanwala, 27, grappled with the two thieves who came into the station on 27 May this year.
They had hoped to steal cash from the tills while she was working alone.

Scroll down for video

Struggle: Rasika Yakanwala grapples with Manny Buckland as he tries to rob the till she is working at
Struggle: Rasika Yakanwala grapples with Manny Buckland as he tries to rob the till she is working at

Topple: Buckland, who has now been jailed for his crimes,was pulled over the counter in the struggle
Topple: Buckland, who has now been jailed for his crimes,was pulled over the counter in the struggle

Tenacious: Ms Yankanwala would not let go of the man even has he was trying to escape
Tenacious: Ms Yankanwala would not let go of the man even has he was trying to escape

But Manny Buckland, 39, found himself dragged over the counter when he tried to reach for the money at the small garage in Clifton, Bedfordshire.

Ms Yakanwala pulled his hair and held on to him but, during the struggle, he toppled over the counter and landed on top of her.

His accomplice Stuart Battams, 41, attempted briefly to intervene, but then changed his mind and went elsewhere in the shop.

Even after Buckland had landed on top of Ms Yakanwala, she held on to him as he tried to escape back over the counter, and chased both men out of the building.

Accomplice: Stuart Battams, 41, briefly tired to intervene, but then thought better of it
Accomplice: Stuart Battams, 41, briefly tired to intervene, but then thought better of it

Grab: Buckland lunged for the cash inside the till but was not able to retrieve anything
Grab: Buckland lunged for the cash inside the till but was not able to retrieve anything

The CCTV footage shows the robbers, who failed to take anything of value, on their second botched attempt of the day. They have been driven between the locations by a friend.

At the first target, a convenience store, Buckland also tried to take cash from the till, but he was grabbed by a shop attendent and had to wriggle out of his jacket to escape.

The two men were jailed last month at Luton Crown Court. Buckland pleaded guilty to two charges of burglary and was jailed for two years.

Judge Philip Bartle QC said: 'These were two small establishments targeted by the two of you over a holiday period at 5pm, the likelihood being that there would be few if any customers.
'There was an element of planning and disguise. Whether or not you were on drink or drugs is not mitigation and you both have very bad records.'

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