16 May 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 254 (14/05/2014)

2531.            The male platypus has poisonous spurs on its legs.

2532.            Polar bears can smell seal from 20 miles away.

2533.            Canadians Scott Abbott and Chris Haney invented Trivial Pursuit. They were
    planning on playing Scrabble and realized that some of the pieces were missing
    so they came up with the idea of making their own game; Trivial Pursuit.

2534.            On average, there is about three molecules of ozone for every 10 million air

2535.            A person uses approximately fifty-seven sheets of toilet paper each day.

2536.            The Barbie doll has more than 80 careers.

2537.            James Buchanan was the only unmarried president of the United States.

2538.            The Stanley Cup originally was only seven and a half inches high.

2539.            In 1991, during an attempted political coup on Russian President Boris Yelstin,
    food supplies had dwindled down at the parliament buildings so they ordered
    Pizza Hut to deliver pizzas.

2540.            Some people drink the urine of pregnant women to build up their immune system.

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