16 May 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 255 (15/05/2014)

2541.            The five Olympic rings represent the five continents linked together in friendship.

2542.            Ray Kroc bought McDonalds for $2.7 million in 1961 from the McDonald brothers.

2543.            It is possible to lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs.

2544.            Shark cartilage has been used to make artificial skin for human burn victims.

2545.            The first person to die in the electric chair was William Kemmler, an ax murderer
    from New York on August 6, 1890.

2546.            Finland has 187,888 lakes and 179,584 islands.

2547.            The average adult has approximately six pounds of skin.

2548.            A crocodile can open and close its jaw but cannot move it side to side.

2549.            There are over 1,000,000 swimming pools in Florida, eventhough the ocean is no
    farther than 80 miles away.

2550.            99% of the blueberries that are produced in the United States are produced in the
    state of Maine.

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