8 May 2013

LEADERSHIP - The Key Roles of a Leader


By Faudzil Harun

Create Followers
●  Influence people towards the same direction.
●  Lead by setting good examples.

Create and Share Vision

●  Great leaders have clear vision.
●  Taking followers to the next level which they have not been.
●  Communicate the vision to the team.

Motivate the Team

●  Motivation is always a major leadership issue.
●  Find ways to motivate people and continue motivating them.
●  Oriented to trust, open communication, creative thinking and working 
    with the team.

Working with the Team

●  Great leaders work with the team and focus on the people.
●  As the group expand, leaders must work closer with the team.

Be Change Agent

●  Guide and move people to different perspective and view things from different angles.

Coach the Team

●  Teach the people how to do it instead of telling them or demonstrating 
    your skill.
●  Allow people to make mistakes.
●  Teach them how to master a skill.

Manage Conflict

●  Accept conflict as part of the process in team development.
●  Get closer to the conflict.
●  Define them clearly.
●  Brainstorm and solve it with the team.

Recognize Accomplishment

●  Celebrate team accomplishment and exceptional performance.

Develop More Leaders

●  Identify the best people around you.
●  Provide them with appropriate training and exposure.
●  Delegate important task to them.
●  Develop them into the best leaders they can be.