10 June 2013

HEALTH - 3 reasons to eat more pears

By Canadian Living
Pears are a delicious, fiber-rich fruit that can help prevent diabetes and lower cholesterol. Discover three great reasons to eat more pears, plus three tested-till-perfect pear recipes from our Test Kitchen.

Whether you're eating them raw or cooked, pears make for a sweet treat. And what's more: it's good for your health. Packed with fibre and antioxidants, adding more pears to your diet goes a long way in diabetes prevention and lowering your cholesterol. 

Here are three reasons to eat more pears: 

1. Pears help prevent diabetes

Red pears contain anthocyanin, an antioxidant that can help reduce insulin resistance, a risk factor for developing diabetes.

Studies from Harvard University found that people who consume greater amounts of anthocyanin-rich foods 
have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

2. Pears are full of fibre
Pears are noteworthy because they contain both soluble fibre, which helps lower cholesterol levels, and insoluble fibre, which promotes regularity. One pear has six grams of fibre, or about 20 percent of your daily recommended intake.

3. Pears are a great ready-to-go snack
Pears continue to ripen after being harvested, but they keep well in the crisper because refrigeration delays the ripening process. A few days before you're ready to eat one, leave it at room temperature. It's ripe when the neck gives 
to gentle thumb pressure.

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