10 June 2013

WEIGHT LOSS - The 10 best slimming foods

The 10 best slimming foods

Looking for delicious foods to add to your diet that are both nutritious and slimming? Load up your plate with these mealtime multi-taskers. Chock-full of vitamins and minerals, these taste-tempting diet staples will fill you up without packing on the pounds.

1. Salmon
Researchers at Australia’s University of Sydney discovered that fish is more satiating than lean beef or chicken. Not only will wild salmon keep you feeling fuller for longer, but it’s also jammed with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids – specifically the omega-3 fats docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, the two healthiest forms of omega-3.

Sarah Remmer, a Calgary-based registered dietitian and nutritionist, agrees: "Fish is a great source of protein and heart-healthy fats, both of which keep your blood sugar stable and curb hunger." Aim for two servings of omega-3 salmon each week.

2. Brown rice

Tastier and healthier than its starchy white cousin, brown rice is an ideal food to add to your diet if you’re watching your waistline. The Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that women who ate whole grain foods such as brown rice were less likely to gain weight than those who consumed white rice.

Much of brown rice’s power lies in its low-calorie, high-fibre content. Combined with large amounts of the mineral selenium, the rice’s fibre can help lower the risk of colon cancer

3. Kiwifruit

Low in calories, kiwifruit packs plenty of tropical goodness in a small package. One average-size kiwifruit serves up your daily quota of vitamin C. According to a report in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, vitamin C may increase fat burning during exercise.

Remmer says that kiwifruit is also full of soluble fibre. "It keeps you fuller longer and helps to keep your blood sugar stable," she says. "You’re less likely to binge on sugary or calorie-dense foods when your blood sugar is steady." 

4. Watermelon

Comprised of 92 per cent water, this fruit is a slimming powerhouse. Its H2O content contributes to the feeling of fullness, plus, the melon’s sweet taste can satisfy sugary cravings.

Watermelon is low in calories and contains plenty of vitamin C, as well as lycopene, "the antioxidant famous for its cancer preventative properties related to prostate, lung and stomach cancers," says Remmer. 

5. Pears

The secret to grasping the slimming benefits of pears is eating their skin as well as their inner flesh. A pear’s peel is bursting with an appetite-crushing soluble fibre called pectin, which puts hunger pangs to rest and lowers your blood sugar levels, making you less likely to reach for a calorie-laden snack.

"Paired with a bit of protein, such as a small handful of nuts or some yogurt, pears make for a stellar satiating snack," says Remmer. 

6. Green tea

The superhero of steamy beverages, green tea is brimming with antioxidants. Frequent green tea drinkers have been found to have lower risks of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, kidney disease and cancer. Individuals trying to lose weight may be interested in a study by the American Society of Nutrition that found that green tea might promote fat loss specifically around the stomach area. 

7. Zucchini

Often confused with the cucumber, this relative of the squash is low in calories and dense in nutrients (it has fibre, vitamins A and C, potassium and folate). Similar to watermelon, zucchini has high water content, so "it will keep you feeling full and satisfied longer, preventing overeating," says Remmer. 

8. Oranges

A study by the University of Sydney in Australia ranked the zesty orange as the top fruit for making you feel full. Remmer says that an orange’s high fibre content can keep you from overeating, especially when it’s paired with a good quality source of protein, such as a quarter cup of almonds, some Greek yogurt or 1 cup of soy milk. 

9. Broccoli

Is there anything broccoli can’t do? Famous for its antioxidant, fibre, vitamin C and folate content – not to mention its ability to lower the risk of cancerand chronic inflammation – this cruciferous vegetable also battles weight problems. With few calories and a knack for keeping you full, broccoli can help you stay trim – as long as you don’t coat it with a fatty cheese sauce. 

10. Avocados

High in fibre, protein and oleic acid – a healthy monounsaturated fat compound – and low in carbohydrates and sugar, avocados can help to keep blood sugar levels on an even keel. As a result, you won’t feel the urge to snack until your next meal.

"Stick to one quarter to one half of an avocado at a time though," says Remmer. "The calories can add up if you eat an entire avocado due to its high (but healthy) fat content." 

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