Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

20 September 2013

TRUST - How to Gain Someone's Trust


  1. 1
    Make them like you. To gain trust from your friends, you must be liked by your friends. It's easy, You'll just have to help them if they need it. Never offer help, just help them when you feel they need it. Spend more time hanging out with your friends and laugh together. They will like you if you do these things.
  2. 2
    Never break promises. Once your friends liked you, they would like to invite you more to parties, and other hang outs. If you say you would come, you should come. Never break a promise, it kills trust. You can refuse if you are very busy, I'm sure they'll understand, just keep your promises and never let them down.
  3. 3
    Always have their back. Support them on what they are pursuing and never leave them behind. Your friends would feel secure if they know that they can count on you. When problem arises, stand firmly and find a way to get out of it. Your friends would cling to you if they have problems if you show them that you can solve problems.
  4. 4
    Protect them. If your friends are in trouble, you should be by their side to help them get out of it. You'll earn their trusts once you saved their asses from troubles they were involved.
  5. 5
    Trust them. Life is give and take, you should give what you want to receive. Trust your friends and they will soon trust you even more.


  • Promises are not made to be broken. Prove them that you keep your own words.
  • Show them that you can be trusted. You can show this by being confident with who you are.
  • Support them. When your friends let you support you, they are likely trusting you. Don't disappoint them, have their backs.
  • Help, Help, Help! Don't ask them if they need help, you'll know it instinctively.
  • Always look them in the eyes show your sincerity that way the person you are talking to knows that you are paying attention to them and they know that you are not lying.

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