Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
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22 December 2013

AMAZING - Man gets the world's first artificial heart

Man gets the world's first artificial heart: French surgeons perform ground-breaking operation

  • - Male patient is responding well following the ground-breaking operation at the Georges
      Pompidou Hospital in Paris
  • - Biomedical firm Carmat said they are 'delighted' with the first implant but added it is still
      very early stages
  • - Device, which is powered by an external battery, is three times the weight of a real organ
      and mimics the heart muscle contractions 

An artificial heart has been transplanted into a patient for the first time in medical history, it was announced today.

French medics said that a male patient was awake and responding well following Wednesday’s ground-breaking operation at the Georges Pompidou Hospital in Paris.

Marcello Conviti, head of the Carmat biomedical firm, said: ‘We are delighted with this first implant, although it is premature to draw conclusions given that a single implant has been performed and that we are in the early postoperative phase.'

Surgeons in France have transplanted the first ever artificial heart, pictured, successfully into a patient
Surgeons in France have transplanted the first ever artificial heart, pictured, successfully into a patient

French Social Affairs and Health Minister Marisol Touraine, left, and Alain Carpentier, surgeon and Carmat co-founder attend a news conference at the Georges Pompidou European Hospital in Paris
French Social Affairs and Health Minister Marisol Touraine, left, and Alain Carpentier, surgeon and Carmat co-founder attend a news conference at the Georges Pompidou European Hospital in Paris

Mr Conviti said the artificial heart, which is three times the weight of a real one, would beat for at least five years.

Heart-assistance devices have frequently been used for patients waiting for transplants, but the new bioprosthetic device will replace the real heart.

It will help thousands of people who are die each year while waiting for a donor, including many in Britain.

Surgeon Alain Carpentier said: ‘It's about giving patients a normal social life with the least dependence on medication as possible.

‘We’ve already seen these types of device of this type but they had a relatively low autonomy. 

This heart will allow for more movement and less clotting. The study that is starting is being very closely watched in the medical field.’

    ‘This news brings great pride to France,’ said the Marisol Touraine, French health minister .’It shows we are pioneers in healthcare, that we can invent, that we can carry an innovation that will also bring great hope to plenty of people.’

    In 2005 surgeons in France performed the first face transplant, and they are always trying to push back research frontiers. 

    The male patient is said to be awake and responding well following the operation at the Georges Pompidou Hospital in Paris
    The male patient is said to be awake and responding well following the operation at the Georges Pompidou Hospital in Paris

    Developed by a team of engineers from Airbus parent company EADS, the artificial heart weighs 2 lb - almost three times as much as an average healthy human heart.

    It is expected to cost around £150,000 if it is made widely available.

    The device mimics heart muscle contractions and contains sensors that adapt the blood flow to the patient's moves.

    The artificial heart is powered by external, wearable lithium-ion batteries. Inside the heart, surfaces that come into contact with human blood are made partly from bovine tissue instead of synthetic materials such as plastic that can cause blood clots.

    Heart failure affects more men than women, and the size of the artificial heart means it can fit in 86 percent of men but only around 20 percent of women.

    But Carmat says it can manufacture a smaller version to fit the smaller bodies of women as well as patients in India and China.


    The artifical organ replicates the heart muscles contractions to push blood around the body
    The artifical organ replicates the heart muscles contractions to push blood around the body
    Heart failure is when the organ is no longer able to pump blood around the body.

    It is commonly caused by coronary artery diseases and hypertension.

    Almost half of patients die within a year of first being hospitalised with the condition.

    For those suffering the most severe form of heart failure a transplant is the only option.

    But only around 4,000 hearts are available around the world each year - compared with around 100,000 people on the transplant list.

    Research into the artificial heart began in the US in 1963.

    It is a device which replaces the heart.

    It works by replicating the heart muscle to beat blood around the body, supplying other organs.

    In the past patients have had artificial hearts implanted as temporary measures, to bridge the gap until a live donor can be found.

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