17 February 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 167 (16/02/2014)

1661.            A sneeze can travel as fast as one hundred miles per hour.

1662.            The Pentagon cost $49,600,000 to build in 1941.

1663.            Desert snails can stay in their shell for up to three years.

1664.            In the 19th century, it was common practice for a Japanese woman to dye their
    teeth black. They believed that this enhanced sex appeal and maintained healthier

1665.            The revolving door was invented in 1888, by Theophilus Van Kannel.

1666.            The Lion King is the top grossing Disney movie of all-time with domestic gross
    intake of $312 million.

1667.            The state that grows the most cranberries is Wisconsin. More than 300 million
    pounds of cranberries are grown in Wisconsin.

1668.            The smallest frog is the "Brazilian baby frog", which is smaller than a dime.

1669.            The idea of Christmas cards was invented by Englishman Henry Cole in 1843.

1670.            Air is passed through the nose at a speed of 100 miles per hour when a person

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