17 February 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 168 (17/02/2014)

1671.            A baby octopus is about the size of a flea when it is born.

1672.            Britons eat over 22,000 tonnes of french fries a week.

1673.            People from the United States eat the most chicken per person than anywhere else
    in the world.

1674.            Sanskrit is considered as the mother of all higher languages. This is because it is
    the most precise, and therefore suitable language for computer software.

1675.            The origins of the soldier term "G.I." is an abbreviation for "Government Issue,"
    which was stamped on all government kits supplied to recruits in the US Army
    during World War II.

1676.            Watermelons are a popular gift to bring to a host in China or Japan.

1677.            Beethoven used to take hay baths to remedy the swelling he used to get in his legs.

1678.            On average Americans spend 18% of their income on transportation.

1679.            Of all the words Dr. Seuss made up in his storybooks, only one has stuck in the
    English vocabulary: grinch, which is refers to a killjoy -- and it took more than 20

1680.         Montreal has an underground city, which has over 2,000 shops and 26 kilometres of
    walkways. This is the largest underground network for any city.

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