Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

24 September 2014

TOKELAU - A Group of Three Atolls

Tokelau is in Polynesia, a group of three atolls about half way between Hawaii to New Zealand

Tokelau in its region.svg
Flag of Tokelau.svg
Quick Facts
Capitalnone; each atoll has its own administrative center
GovernmentTerritory of New Zealand
CurrencyNew Zealand dollar (NZD)
Area10 sq km
Population1,431 (July 2002 est.)
LanguageTokelauan (a Polynesian language), English
ReligionCongregational Christian Church 70% (mostly Atafu, Fakaofo), Roman Catholic 28% (mostly Nukunonu), other 2%
Country code+690
Internet TLD.tk
Time ZoneUTC +14


  • Atafu
  • Nukunonu
  • Fakaofo


Originally settled by Polynesian emigrants from surrounding island groups, the Tokelau Islands were made a British protectorate in 1889. They were transferred to New Zealand administration in 1925.
Tokelau's small size (three villages), isolation, and lack of resources greatly restrain economic development and confine agriculture to the subsistence level. The people rely heavily on aid from New Zealand -- about $4 million annually -- to maintain public services, annual aid being substantially greater than GDP. The principal sources of revenue come from sales of copra, domain names, postage stamps, souvenir coins, and handicrafts.
Tokelau was on the east side of the International Date Line until it joined with Samoa and skipped December 30, 2011 and jumped at midnight from UTC -11 to UTC +14 and Dec. 29 to Dec. 31st.


Tropical; moderated by trade winds (April to November)
The average temperature is about 28 degrees C annually. Rainfall is irregular but heavy. There are downpours of up to 80 mm in a single day which are possible anytime. Tokelau is at the north edge of the main hurricane belt, but tropical storms sometimes sweep through between November and March. Since 1846, Tokelau had only experienced three recorded hurricanes. Then in February 1990, waves from Hurricane Ofa broke across the atolls, washing topsoil away and contaminating the freshwater lens. Residual salt prevented new plat growth for months. Hurricane Val in 1992 and Hurricane Percy in 2005 did additional damage.


Tokelau consists of three atolls, each with a lagoon surrounded by a number of reef-bound islets of varying length and rising to over three metres above sea level.

Get in

By plane

Tokelau has no airports. Lagoon landings are possible by amphibious aircraft.

By boat

Tokelau has no ports or harbours; offshore anchorage only. A twice monthly service runs from Apia onboard the MV Tokelau. This is subject to change and often unreliable. Foreigners take last priority in securing a place.
Pacific Expeditions Ltd go to Nukunono Atoll once a year from ApiaSamoa

Get around

The few roads on the islands are almost entirely within the four main villages. Most people get around by walking or bicycle.
Travel between islands is by small boat or traditional outrigger canoe.


Tokelauan, a Polynesian language closely related to Samoan and Tuvaluan, is the native language, and most people can speak and understand English.
Interesting Fact:The name Tokelau is a Polynesian word meaning "north wind"


The New Zealand dollar is used. Some Tokelauan-branded dollars have been produced but are hard to find.


The Luana Liki Hotel in Nukunonu is the only public eating place which is in the only hotel. If you are staying at the Luana Liki, you will get three meals per day included in the price.


Samoan beer is available in shops and at the Luana Like Hotel, but sale is strictly rationed in Nukunonu.
The legal drinking age is 18.


The Luana Liki Hotel in Nukunonu is Tokelau's only commercial accommodation. Homestays may be arranged in advanced through the Tokelau-Apia Liaison Office in Samoa.
Camping is possible on Sydney Island, which is privately owned.


Education in Tokelau for children between the ages of 5-18 is available and free. Each atoll has a primary and secondary school. The education system is similar to that in New Zealand.
The schools have levels or classes running from Early Childhood Education (ECE) right through to Year11. At Year11, students are required to sit a National examination. This examination is used to determine which students will continue Year12 studies under the Tokelau Scholarship Scheme. The successful students commence Year12 and 13 studies in Samoa.
Schools are under the administration of the Taupulega's (Village council). The Education department plays a supporting role in providing training and workshops for Principals and teachers, assisting in other developments with the schools, the setting and marking of the Year11 National Examinations and so forth.


Stay safe

Tokelau lies in the Pacific typhoon belt, and most of Tokelau is only 2 metres above sea level making it particularly vulnerable to sea level causing major flooding.
Over 96% of the population has access to safe water and just over 70% has access to adequate sanitary facilities. Health indicators are good and there is universal access to health care.

Stay healthy

Each atoll has a hospital. The health services have a Director of Health based in Apia and a Chief Clinical Advisor who moves from atoll to atoll as required to assist the doctors attached to each hospital.


Tokelauan society is deeply Christian and visitors are expected to attend church on Sunday morning.


Tokelau has a radio telephone service between the islands and to Samoa and is government regulated.

Source: http://wikitravel.org/en/Tokelau

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