Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

18 October 2014

HEALTH - 10 health shortcuts everyone should know

When it comes to good health it doesn’t hurt 
to know the easy way around!

10 health shortcuts everyone should know
Who says being healthy has to be complicated? All you need to know is the most effective and quickest way to feel the best you’ve ever felt. After all, life’s too short to worry about calorie counting and fad diets. You’ve got better things to do, right?

1. Eat well

Good clean eating is what it’s about. If you get this right, you can bypass having to worry about a plethora of other health issues that come from a bad diet. There’s no easier shortcut than that!

2. Balance is key

Balance is everything when it comes to health. Eat a balanced diet, learn to maintain the balance between work, rest and relaxation and you’ll always live in the smug knowledge that you’re operating at 100 per cent. The moment you learn to master the juggling act is the moment when you realise you feel pretty darn good.

3. Small changes everyday make a big difference

Take the easy way around by avoiding drastic life changes and introducing healthy life tweaks a little bit at a time. So if your goal is to meet your daily veggie intake, try and do it for one day. If you’re successful, do it the next and so forth. If you do it bit by bit you’re more likely to stick to it which means less time wasted later on.

4. Eat breakfast

Eating a solid, healthy breakfast not only gets you off to the right start for the day but it’s also a great way to curb overeating and is a great energy booster. “Skipping breakfast or eating processed sugary breakfast cereals can set you up for a mid-morning energy slump and a day of unhealthy eating and overeating. Having a breakfast that is high in fibre and protein will help keep your blood sugar levels and energy levels constant,” says nutritionist Lisa Guy.

5. Feeling good starts from the inside

You can have a silly amount of expensive skincare products and makeup stashed away in your bathroom cabinet, but the truth of the matter is, if you’re not looking after your health on the inside, you’ll never look a million bucks on the outside. If you’re eating healthy and looking after yourself, you won’t have to waste time trying to get your skin under control or your hair looking glossy because your diet has taken care of it for you.

6. Ditch bad diets – they lead to nowhere

Crazy, over the top diets are the quickest way to Unhealthy Town. You may drop a few kilos cutting carbs or existing on juices for a few weeks, but trust us, you’ll be back where you started as soon as you stop. A healthy, balanced diet is the only way to go.

7. Include the right nutrients in your diet

There’s a reason why you keep hearing about the need to include things like prebiotics and fibre in your diet – they help you get a better digestive system which means you can avoid conditions like bloating and constipation, absorb nutrients better (which will make you feel good inside and out) and also fight off disease like a champion.

8. Tailor your diet to you

Does a big dinner make you lethargic? Does gluten not agree with you? Now is the time to pay attention to your body and what it’s telling you when it comes to what you are eating. Learn to tailor your diet according to what makes you feel great and you’ll inevitably always feel awesome.

9. Chew your food

This may sound like something you’d say to a toddler, but stop and chew your food. It’s amazing how many of us are guilty of wolfing down a plate of food in just a matter of minutes. Naturopath Mim Beim advises that we should all be chewing our food at least 10-12 times – this sends the signal to our digestive system that food is on its way and to be prepared. This in turn means we’re able to digest food more efficiently, and also absorb nutrients better.

10. Get into good habits now

There’s no time like the present. The easiest shortcut to getting healthy further down the track is by starting today. Train yourself to eat well and look after yourself now and reap the rewards sooner rather than later.
Source: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/

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