Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

22 October 2014

WOMEN - Coping with menopause

The symptoms of menopause can often be quite debilitating, but relief is not far away.

Coping with menopause
(Q) I've had severe menopausal symptoms for seven years. I'm 57, had a hysterectomy at 36 and DCIS mastectomy at 46. I experience chronic insomnia (only four hours sleep a night) and have gained 23kgs. I attempt to exercise regularly but can't get the weight off. I'm now insulin resistant. The hot flushes were unbearable.

After trying acupuncture, sleep therapists and natural remedies I decided to try bio-identical hormones oestrogen and progesterone for six months then DHEA testosterone. Hot flushes ceased but insomnia and weight remains. Can you help? 

(A) I would suggest that you talk to your GP about referring you to a dietitian to help you with your weight loss. Your GP may also refer you to a gynaecologist and endocrinologist to ensure there is not some ongoing hormonal imbalance and also to review the combination of hormones you are taking to ensure it is optimal for your situation.

You should also let your breast cancer doctor know what you are taking to ensure this is all right in regards to the cancer.

Talk to your GP too about sleep hygiene measures to assist with your insomnia as well as simple relaxation exercises and progressive muscle relaxation exercises. Meditation, yoga, walking and regular physical activity may all help with both your weight loss and your sleep difficulties.

Your GP is your first port of call and is the best person to assist you in dealing with all the different problems by assessing you fully, referring you appropriately and then coordinating your care under the different health professionals who may be called upon to help you.
Source: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/

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