Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

5 April 2013

HEART HEALTH - Life Saving Skills

You can help save lives by making sure you know the signs and what to do.

Our Heartstart training teaches Emergency Life Support (ELS) skills - the set of actions needed to help keep someone alive until professional help arrives.

More about ELS

Emergency life support includes performing CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), which is chest compressions and rescue breathing.

Other actions include dealing with choking and serious bleeding and how to recognise the signs and symptoms of a heart attack.

About Hands-only CPR

If an adult has suddenly collapsed, is not breathing normally and is unrepsonsive, they are in cardiac arrest. There is no time to lose. Even if you are untrained your actions can help.
There are two simple actions that you can do to help save their life.
  1. Call 999
  2. Push hard and fast in the centre of their chest about 100 - 120 times a minute until the ambulance service arrives.

How can you help?

By knowing the signs of cardiac arrest and heart attacks you can ring the emergency services as early as possible and help to reduce the amount of time it takes before someone gets professional treatment. You can also learn emergency life support skills through our Heartstart training.

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