Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

20 September 2013

CHINA - 110 Interesting Fun Facts About China

This article deals with various aspects of the country of China including the education, economy, geography, science and technology and the likes.

110 Interesting Fun Facts Abut China

Welcome to the board of facts! This is where random, cool, interesting, fascinating, unknown, crazy as well as useless facts are brought together. In this article, we would be considering China. Before we move further, I would like you to hear what some notable people said or wrote about this country in one circumstance or the other. Note that these may be either positive or negative but never mind

Let China sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world (Napoleon)
To speak Chinese is not to know China (Dr. Geoff Raby)
China is a civilization pretending to be a nation (Michael Ledeen)

 Zhou dynasty is the longest dynasty in China history.
 Xian is the oldest city in China.
 With the exception of Hong-Kong and Macau, automobiles are driven on the right
 White rather than black is Chinese color for mourning.
 Water makes up 2.8% of the total land area
 Unification of China occurred 221 B.C.
 Toilet paper was invented in China in the late 1300s initially for Emperors.
 Tian Han was a poet who wrote the lyrics of the Chinese national anthem in 1935.
 There are more than 750,000 Chinese nationals working or living in Africa
 There are currently 32 million more boys than girls in China.
 The wife of a Chinese Emperor, Lady Xi Ling Sui, discovered 53 Silk when a silkworm cocoon accidentally dropped into her tea.
 The Three Gorges Hydroelectric Dam is the largest dam in the world.
 The three best-known western names in China are Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon and Elvis Presley.
 The tallest man in China is Bao Xishun, a herdsman. He retains the title of the world’s tallest man.
 The People’s Republic of China exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, and 4 directly controlled municipalities and two mostly self-governing special administrative regions i.e. Hong Kong and Macau
 The official language of China is the Standard Chinese
 The national emblem of China is Tiananmen Gatetower under five stars, encircled by ears of grain and with a gear wheel barrow.
 The longest river in China is the Yangtze River about 6,300km long.
 The largest lake in China is the Dongting Lake.
 The largest grassland in China is Huitengxileis.
 The largest desert in China is Taklimakan.
 The highest mountain in China is Mount Everest- 8,848 (29,029 feet) above the sea level.
 The government in China is nominally Marxist-Leninist single-party state
 The Gobi Desert is the fifth largest desert in the world
 The giant Panda is considered a Chinese natural treasure.
 The four great Inventions are; Papermaking, Printing, the Compass and Gunpowder
 The first half 20th century, Shanghai was the only port without an entry visa.
 The first Emperor who united China was Qin
 The first country to use an iron plow is China.
 The fattest man in China is Liang Yong.
 The Date Formats is yyyy-mm-dd
 The Currency is or Yuan (¥).
 The Communist party of China (CPC) is the country’s sole political party in power with more than 66 million members. There are also eight other political parties.
 The Chinese were the first to use stirrups in the third century.
 The Chinese space program is one of the most active
 The Chinese first used the crossbow.
 The calling code is +86
 The bicycle was introduced into China around 1891 by two American travelers named Allen and Sachtleben.
 The Anthem of China is March of the Volunteers
 The 2008 Olympic in Beijing were the most expensive games in history.
 Suspension bridges were invented in China in 25 B.C.
 Sun Yat-sen is the father of modern China
 Shanghai is China’s largest city
 Shanghai has the 25th largest city GDP in the world
 Rice flour was used to strengthen some bricks that make up the Great Wall of China.
 Religious worshippers in China are estimated to be over 100 million, most of whom are Buddhist.
 Red symbolizes happiness for the Chinese and is commonly used at Chinese birthdays and weddings.
 Recognized languages in China are Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur, Zhuang,
 Qinghai is the largest province in China.
 People’s Republic was proclaimed on October 1, 1949
 Peking University is the most famous university in China.
 Originating as far back as 250 B.C, Chinese lanterns were an important symbol of long life.
 One of every five people in the world is a Chinese.
 Martial arts are practiced throughout China were largely developed from ancient farming and hunting methods.
 Many historians believe that soccer originated in China.
 Many Chinese children keep crickets as pets.
 Mandarin Chinese language is spoken by 70% of the population
 Lowest point in China is the Turpan Pendi
 It was customary for wealthy men and women in the late empire to grow the nails of their little fingers extremely long as a sign of rank.
 In 2003, China became the third nation in the world to independently launch a successful manned space mission
 In 2002, the number of Chinese billionaires was 0 but 5 years later i.e. 2007, the number of Chinese billionaires rose up to 106.
 In 1970, China launched its first satellite, Dong Fang Hong I
 Fraud in China is punishable by death
 Despite its size, all of China is one time zone.
 Currently, China has the most cell phone users of any country in the world
 Cricket fighting is a popular amusement in China.
 Common natural hazards that occur include frequent typhoons, tsunamis, drought and earthquake
 Chinese were the first to invent water wheel to harness water in A.D 30- about 1,200 years before the Europeans.
 Chinese keep almost half of the pigs in the world.
 Chinese is spoken by 92% of the Chinese population.
 Chinese invented ice cream.
 Chinese crested dogs can get acne.
 Chinese celebrate October 1 as National Day in honor of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
 China’s internet TLD is .cn
 China’s Grand Canal is the world’s longest and oldest canal at 1,114 miles (1,795 km)
 China’s climate is mainly dominated by dry seasons and wet monsoons
 China Standard Time is UTC+8
 China produces more wind turbines and solar panels more than any other country in the world
 China possesses the world’s longest high-speed rail network over 9,676 km of service routes
 China officially recognizes 56 distinct ethnic groups
 China is the world’s second-largest publisher of scientific papers
 China is the world’s leading investor in renewable energy technologies
 China is the world’s largest exporter of goods
 China is the world’s largest constructor of new airports
 China is the largest trading partner of Brazil.
 China is ranked 53rd in population density at 363.3/sq mi
 China is one of 17 mega-diverse countries lying in two of the world’s major ecozone
 China is located in the Asian continent on the Western shore of the Pacific Ocean.
 China is a recognized nuclear weapons state
 China is a member of WTO, APEC, BCIM, BRICS, G-20 and man more organizations
 China has the second largest defense project
 China has the second highest GDP in the world at $7.298 trillion
 China has the most goats in the world. They are up to 170 million.
 China has the longest combined land border in the world at 22,117 km
 China has the largest standing army in the world
 China has the highest number of broadband users
 China has one of the world’s oldest calendars.
 China has more English speakers than the U.S.
 China has become one of the world’s leading technology powers
 China has a coastline of 14,500 km
 China executes more people than any other country in the world
 China banned pigtail in 1911 as it was seen as a symbol of feudalism
 As at now, China has more than 500 million internet users- the highest in the world
 Arable land comprises 14.85% of the total land area
 Approximately 92% of Chinese people are Han.
 According to popular legend, tea was discovered by Chinese Shenneng in 2737 B.C. It was supposedly discovered when a tea-leaf fell into a Chinese Emperor’s boiling water.
 According to Associated Press, Chinese smoke 33% of the world’s cigarettes
 About 3,000 years ago, the Chinese invented kites, which were used during battle to frighten enemies.
 About 10% of Chinese population lives below poverty line of the U.S $1 per day
 A civil servant named Su Song built the first mechanical clock between A.D 1088 and 1092. It could tell the time of the day and accurate horoscopes could be determined.
 40% of China’s rivers have been polluted by Industrial waste as of late 2011
 3% of the population is obese
 1n 2011, China first space station module was launched. It is called Tiangong-1

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