Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

19 September 2013

AMAZING - 7 Most Awesome Resignation Letters

 Resignation Cake

Resignation Cake
Here's a sweet way to write your resignation: on a cake! Chris Holmes had a job as an immigration officer for Stansted Airport's Border Force in the UK, but his passion was making cakes, so he decided to quit his job and devote himself to his bakery business. 

 Resignation Song from Microsoft

Resignation Song from Microsoft
Karen Chang decided to write and perform a song as her "letter" of resignation from Microsoft's Excel team, sung to the tune of "American Pie" by Don McLean. Here are some lines:

Long, long lines of code
It can take a while for Excel code to compile
I am glad I've had the chance
To make the cells and numbers dance, and maybe make some customers smile
But the time has come to close this chapter, beer and chips and hallway laughter
Feelin' a little blue, I will miss my feature crew
Sound of typing and mouse clicks, taco Fridays in 36
Now it's time for me to go
Goodbye, product studio...

 Resignation Letter Delivered with a Marching Band

Resignation Letter Delivered with a Marching Band
Joey DeFrancesco made a big noise when he quit job working in room service at a hotel in Providence, Rhode Island by turning up with a marching band in tow to deliver his letter of resignation. He uploaded the video to YouTube.

 Crayon Resignation Letter

Crayon Resignation Letter
It takes guts to quit and even more guts to quit in crayon! Graphics designer Car Sacdalan was unhappy at work, so she left the office with this colorful letter. 

 Dance Resignation Letter

Dance Resignation Letter
This restaurant manager announced that he was quitting his job by dancing and changing the lyrics to "Ice Ice Baby." I'd tell him not to quit his day job…but it seems he already did.

 Cupcakes Resignation Letter

Cupcakes Resignation Letter
"Please take these cupcakes as an official letter of my resignation, effective Sunday May 24th, 2009. I have highs, enjoyed my time at ... and wish you all the best luck in the future. Sincerely, Amy Rose LeBlanc." 

 World of Warcraft Resignation Letter

World of Warcraft Resignation Letter
WoW is always a good reason to resign. Plus, you know, it is Toronto.

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