Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

1 October 2013

GREAT FACTS - Fascinating Facts About North America

North America

1.   North America is the third largest continent in the world.
2.   North America covers an area of about 24,709,000 square kilometers (9,540,000 sq mi).
3.   North America covers about 4.8% of the planet's surface 
4.   North America covers about 16.5% of its land area.
5.   Mount McKinley, in Alaska, is the tallest point on the continent. (20,322 ft, 6,194 m)
6.   Death Valley, in California, is the lowest point on the continent. (-282 ft, -86 m below sea

7.   An American beaver is the largest rodent in North America.
8.   North America was named after the explorer Americo Vespucci.
9.   North America is often divided into subregions but no universally accepted divisions exist.
10. The largest city in North America is Mexico City, Mexico. The largest country is the United
      States and the largest country by land mass is Canada: 9,984,670 km2 (3,854,082 mi2).

11. The longest river in North America is the Mississippi River.
12. Lake Superior is the largest fresh water lake in the world. It is located on the border
      between the United States and Canada.
13. The country of Greenland is the biggest island on the planet.
14. The North American and South American continents are thought to have been named after
      Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci.
15. Most people in North America speak English, Spanish, or French.
16. World's shortest river is, The Roe river near Great Falls, Montana, USA. It is only 200 feet
      (61 meters) long and flows between Giant Springs and the Missouri River near Great Falls,
      Montana. The D River in Oregon has been measured as being only 120 ft (37 m) long, but
      this varies with the tide from 120 to 400 feet.
17. Coldest place in North America, is Greenland - it can get to -87 degrees.

  • North America’s alligator gar is an ancient fish that can reach 12 feet in length. It gulps air and may even be able to survive on land.
  • North America’s alligator gar is an ancient fish that can reach 12 feet in length. It gulps air and may even be able to survive on land.

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