Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

5 November 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - How to Write an Insubordination Letter

How to Write an Insubordination Letter

by Kate McFarlin, Demand Media
Handling employee insubordination is a delicate issue. Typically, insubordination is defined as actions that directly ignore specific orders or requests, or when an employee knows what he is doing is wrong and does it anyway. It is vital to swiftly reprimand any employee displaying insubordination. If they are allowed to act in this way, other employees will get the wrong idea and you may lose control of your workplace. The punishment you select should be in line with your organization's policies but your response to insubordination must be swift.
Step 1
Open the letter by addressing the incident in question. Mention the time and date, and give a brief overview of what took place. Refrain from using inflammatory language. Be concise, professional and terse. Focus only on the facts.
Step 2
Remind your employee about your company's insubordination policy. Cite the exact policy and remind the employee that their actions were contrary to this policy.
Step 3
Clearly lay out your plan for reprimanding the employee. He needs to know that this is a serious offense and that this behavior will not be tolerated. If you will not be terminating his employment, explain the action that will be taken in accordance with your company policy. If this letter will serve as his written warning, make this clear in your letter.
Step 4
Focus on the positive. Now that you have outlined what happened, and what will happen as a result of the employee's behavior, state what is good about his performance and that you hope this will be an isolated incident.
Step 5
Close by inviting the employee to talk with you further about the incident. Let him know you have an open door policy and although you want to put the incident behind you, if he has any questions or needs clarification, the door is open to him.

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