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4 November 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Job Evaluation Methods

Job Evaluation Methods

by Shemiah Williams, Demand Media
One-on-one performance evaluations can provide an employee with valuable feedback.

Job performance evaluations are a vital part of an employee's development and help assure that an organization's staff is moving in the right direction. Organizations typically perform job evaluations annually or biannually. The goal is to assess how well an employee is doing his job; a variety of methods are used.
One-on-One Method
The most common method of employee evaluation is a one-on-one approach; an employee meets with her supervisor to discuss her progress over a given period of time. Typically the employee rates her own performance in designated areas, her supervisor does the same, and they meet to discuss their ratings. Whether they agree completely or not, this meeting is an opportunity to set new goals for areas where the employee has excelled and determine steps to improve performance in less satisfactory areas. All ratings and feedback should be documented in a written review. The employee and her supervisor should sign the review, file a copy with the human resources department and keep copies for themselves.
360-Degree Method
To gather valuable most information about an employee's performance, an evaluation can be performed using the 360-degree method, which evaluates three aspects of the employee's working relationships: those with his supervisor, his peers and his subordinates. This method can be implemented by meeting with staff members in person or asking them to submit their feedback in writing or complete a survey. Responses must be kept confidential to protect the identity of the staffers who submitted them and the working relationship with the person being evaluated. Areas of evaluation can include communication, supervisory skills, ability to provide direction, project management and organization.
Observation Method
Observation can be a time-consuming investment up front, but is a highly effective method of job evaluation. Managers can sit in on meetings with the employee to observe how she handles her responsibilities and interview clients about how the employee manages her responsibilities. A manager can consult with the employee being evaluated to decide which meetings to attend as well as which contacts to interview to get the most representative sample of the employee's work.

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