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Faudzil @ Ajak
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5 November 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - What Are the Grounds of Insubordination for Dismissal?

What Are the Grounds of Insubordination for Dismissal?

by Lisa Bigelow, Demand Media

Insubordination may occur more frequently with unseasoned workers.

An insubordinate employee is one who purposely ignores her manager's direct orders. Depending on the insubordination's severity and the number of times it's occurred, it may or may not be a dischargeable offense. Often, insubordination may be the result of inexperience or bad judgment that can be remedied with a quick word. When it's chronic and willful, it's a different matter entirely.
Physical Confrontation
If an employee physically assaults or intimidates a manager or other superior in the workplace, that is grounds for immediate dismissal, according to the Boston.com. If this occurs, the details surrounding the event should be documented immediately. If necessary, call the police. It may be wise to have security or another staff member escort the agitated employee off the grounds, with the understanding that he can come back later to gather his belongings. Taking a strong stand against workplace violence is essential.
Verbal Abuse
Verbal abuse, such as the use of profanity and insults, may or may not be grounds for dismissal. The Society for Human Resources Management states that managers should consider the context in which the language was used. Commonly referred to as "shop talk," the manager must decide whether the language was out of the ordinary. If not, then insubordination may not have been intended. Also, if the manager incites insubordination by verbally abusing employees, that's an extenuating circumstance that may force the manager to undergo performance training, as opposed to the summary firing of the "insubordinate" employee.
Refusal to Perform
Another cause for dismissal due to insubordination is the refusal to perform a manager's direct order. This may manifest itself in a verbal or nonverbal refusal. It can also be interpreted as an "unreasonable delay in completing work," according to the Society of Human Resources Management. Because the refusal or delay may result from the employee's misinterpreting the instructions, employers should carefully consider whether the incident constitutes true insubordination. As a result, each incidence of refusal or delay should be carefully documented in an employee's file for the purpose of verifying a history of insubordinate conduct.
Dealing with Insubordination
Because most instances of insubordination result from a non-physical threat, it's wise to take the time to correct the employee's behavior privately instead of dismissing him. If the manager feels that there is a pattern of willful disobedience, she should take care to document it and report it to her own superior. If the insubordinate employee is a member of a union, there may be additional steps to take before the employee can be dismissed, and even then it may prove difficult. As a result, taking the time to carefully evaluate employee actions and motivations is an essential step for the manager to take.

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