Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

20 December 2013

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 109 (20/12/2013)

1081.            Taipan snakes have 50 times more toxic than a cobra snake.

1082.            Influenza caused over twenty-one million deaths in 1918.

1083.            English sailors were referred to as "limeys" because sailors added lime juice to
   their diet to combat scurvy.

1084.            Ukrainian people celebrate Christmas on January 7th, which is the Orthodox
   Christmas Day.

1085.            Gorillas are considered apes, not monkeys. The way to distinguish between an ape
   and a monkey is that apes do not have tails.

1086.            Early Romans used to use porcupine quills as toothpicks.

1087.            The longest human beard on record is 17.5 feet, held by Hans N. Langseth who
   was born in Norway in 1846.

1088.            Honey is used sometimes for antifreeze mixtures and in the center of golf balls.

1089.            The size of a raindrop is around 0.5 mm - 2.5 mm, and they fall from the sky on
   average 21 feet per second.

1090.            In the United States, the first cookbook was published in 1796 and it contained a
   recipes for watermelon rind pickles.

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