Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

20 December 2013

MIRACLE STORIES - Guardian Angel Encourages Ex Marine

by miracles on Oct.14, 2007, under Angel Miracle Stories, Job Related Miracle Stories

My name is Roger and I have been on my own since I was 17 years old. At that time I joined the Marines and have experienced many miracles and angelic assistance daily. I live with a true angelic friend named Ramon, who has guided me every day of my life. Giving me guidance and assistance when I need it.

Moving forward in time… my forty’s…I still had my life long dream of becoming a teacher.  Yet barely graduating from high school and having no college education, I more or less gave up on my dream. I was doing extremely well in the corporate world, becoming a specialist and then a director in the baking industry. Yet I still had that nagging yearning to teach.

Then one day I found a posting in my office for a performance consultant, or in other words a corporate trainer. My dream job! The problem was one of the requirements was that you MUST have a college degree. So I felt like I could never even apply, let alone get the job. But one of the things the Marines taught me was to try.  So I applied!

With a dream of teaching I was excited to at least give it a chance. But then came another block. I got a call and the person on the phone said don’t even think about an interview because they had 6 people that had applied for the job and everyone of them had wonderful applications along with strong references.
This was totally depressing as the person that called was one of the decision makers and she told me that I would not even be considered for the position. They had way to many qualified applicants so they wouldn’t waste time interviewing me.

Now I kept hearing Ramon say in my head to keep trying, yet I was so depressed and felt defeated. I just gave up, thinking I could never get it now! So I let go of my dream and began working harder to keep my mind off this loss.

About a week later, I got a call from that same lady who said we decided to give you an interview, (she said, off the record, we didn’t want any law suite) So not owning a suit I went wearing a shirt and tie.  Seeing everyone else dressed to kill, I really still felt defeated.

What happened next I still am confused about!

I went in with all these other people and one after another they walked in and walked walked out excited. It was like watching them offered the job.  I was about ready to leave, without even interviewing. I got up to leave, when they called me in for my interview.

Taking a deep breath, I walked into a room filled with five high executives that were “who’s who” in our corporation. People I knew existed, yet I never thought I would meet, let alone interview with, including the lady that called and told me not to expect getting the job.

In the middle of the interview, they stopped and huddled together. Oh Oh! What did I say wrong? When the huddle was over, the person in charge said, “We’ve heard enough!” I thought…man did I blow it! But then he finished, “We love what we have heard so far and want to offer you the job!”

I heard myself say: “What?”  He smiled and said we want you! You are what we have been looking for. We do need you to go in for some testing, yet what we see, we know you’ll do great!

I would never believe it if it didn’t happen to me. But I had that dream job for three wonderful years, all three years were like I was in a dream. Getting paid to travel all over the United States, on mini vacations, with someone else paying everything!

When I got the job I heard a voice say, “You will have this job for three years, than you will move on to the your real mission in life.”

I didn’t care, all I knew was I had my dream job! But then two years and 9 months later I got called into the office and told they were down-sizing due to 9-11 and I was being given 3 months to find a new job. 3 months plus the 2 years 9 months equals the three years I was told.

Now I am a teacher of angelic work, I do and teach a healing system that was given to me through angelic assistance they have had me call “Angel Hands.” I teach people how to hear their own angels with ease.
I also teach body workers and massage therapists how to combine their dream work with the business teachings I used as a performance consultant in the corporate world.

I live with passion and love for everything in life. I have the belief that we all have angels that help us if we ask for their help and that as more and more of us unite the balance of the world will be where love is what drives everything. So I will finish for now with my prayer to all…Love, Peace, Joy, and Abundance to All!

This miracle story was submitted by “R.H.” from CO

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