Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

18 December 2013

CAMPING - 10 Things a Camper Must Have – Camping Essentials

Article by nisha dey

Whether it’s a family trip or a chilling out time with friends, you can always choose the luxurious rooms to stay while planning for adventures, but surely with camping you are never going to miss the fun. Since camping has a lot of dos and don’ts, before and after, a camper must also take care of the essentials while camping and not to miss any comfort. A camping should leave you with new and fun experiences each time you go.
It gives you a complete break from the hustle and bustle of daily life, the overcrowded roads, and sounds of blowing horns, nagging boss, and heap of file works, restless mind and uncountable worries. Those who are seeking an escape from their ordinary monotonous life can simply enjoy and do camping and find peace with the scenic wonders of the nature.
Camping rejuvenates you! How? Close your eyes and think of an open space, group of friends, sitting around a campfire, the dark blue sky with sparkling stars, lots of gossiping, bottle of drinks, and the sight of fireflies. It surely is an amazing feeling. You can’t only imagine but have to feel in real. So get ready for the fun and know how different it is from a usual drive to a vacation and staying in a hotel. But before you leave, check the following “must haves” to add an extra level of fun in camping.
10. Waterproof Den
waterproof den
You can always buy a shelter stamped with five stars, but why miss the opportunity of sleeping under the open sky and feeling the nature all around you? So the most important thing that you, as a camper, should not forget to take is your shelter-tent. A big enough, foldable, waterproof and light weight tent should be carried. It is one of the most basic requirements for a camper, without which it would become difficult to enjoy the camping trip, as it will protect you from the sun heat, the rain shower, the sneezing cold. Make sure it is easy enough to be carried and moved and occupies less space in your travel bag. Organizing a tent and having the proper equipments to make it, keeping in mind that you have enough space to fit-in your bed.
9. Bedding Accessories
bedding accessories
Take along all necessary bedding items; to get a good night sleep otherwise you are going to end up with uncomfortable camping experience. New campers often make the wrong move when they, totally unprepared end up sleeping on cold-damp tent floor and covering themselves with a light blanket cover or sheet. Sleeping bag, extra pieces of bed sheets and blankets, air filling pillows, air mattress, or cot are few things which should not be missed. A good bed gives you a good sleep, and if you can’t have a comfortable sleep, you are going to miss out the camping fun. These simplest bedding choices will make you sleep in rest and give you energy for the next day’s activities and fun.
8. First-Aid Kit
While going for a camping, a camper should be physically fit to participate actively in camping and precaution is always better than cure. So a camper, should be prepared enough to carry all the necessary medicines to avoid falling sick. A camper must keep medicines for stomach upset, cold, fever, vomit, pain killers, band-aids, cotton balls, dettol, medical tapes, antiseptic creams and lotions, for skin rashes or itching, blisters, burning skin etc. This first aid kit will not only be helpful for the camper but also for others too. It can easily be packed at home before leaving for the camping, only if a camper knows exactly what should be included for a camping first aid box. Campers can stay safe with well-stocked personal medications in the first aid kit.
7. Vanity Box
vanity box
Don’t lose your beauty while camping, keep your hygiene and stay clean enough. Your vanity box must include sunscreen lotion, a skin friendly moisturizer, wet tissues to wipe off sweat, deodorants and body sprays to keep you away from body odours, for men their shaving kit, talcum, and all other personal items like mouth wash, face wash, pain relief spray and ointments paper soaps in extra quantity and shampoo. Some other common personal items that a camper should have are toilet papers, tissues, a small handy soft towel. Additionally, a camper can also store flash light or lighter in the vanity box which can be of a great use during the camping. Whereas, you can always work out with what you don’t need for a luxurious campsite. So get dirty in the woods but be ready to keep clean with a sanitizer.
6. Easy Eatables
easy eatables
This depends exactly what kind of weather or climate it is while you are prepared for the camping trip. Don’t carry rich oily food or something too heavy to fill your belly till your food pipe gets over-loaded and the sound of burp echoes around. Wasting less time in cooking or taking no time for it, you can simply put nuts and dried fruits, wafers, chips, homemade dry items, fruits, sandwiches. Though it is fun heating up the sausages under the moonlight and in campfire, but it is always a better option to save time in cooking and make the camping valuable and a memorable one by giving more time to enjoyments. Tea bags and coffee pouches along with some hydrate food items should not be missed by a camper.
5. Clothes for Fun
clothes for fun
Have clothes appropriate for the camping; do not pack your camping bag for a party. If it is cold, carrying woolen clothes is a must for a camper, along with socks and boots. Your tent might fail keeping you warm, so special consideration is basically needed when a camper is going for it in cold climatic weather. T-shirts, shorts, jeans, trousers, lowers, Capri, shoes, is what should be kept along with other easy wearable clothes for the night. Besides these, a camper should be prepared for uninvited rain season, and keep rain jacket. Weather is always fickle, you never know how it is going to change, so plan for the worst and keep clothes for all conditions and situations. Don’t ruin your camping holiday with less amount of clothes.
4. Bug Repellent
bug repellent
There you are, having the best time in your camp, relaxing, and deep in your fun but there is something buzzing around your ears. You shoo it away and it again comes back, you ignore it this time and enjoy your salami. Then the bug gets a place on your shoulder, sits and sucks your sweet blood, and you feel itchy there. You move your fingers to grab it but you fail, you keep scratching your skin, it turns red and you feel the rashes, you don’t stop scratching the place and your skin comes out. All your camping day gets spoiled when you find insects hovering around you and your bed. Still imagining? Is it more like a nightmare? Don’t worry; just keep all your bug repellent creams, insect killer bats, and mosquito coils, spray so that the bugs and creepy insects don’t spoil your camping fun.
3. Chuck Box
You want to eat and feel like you are home, and you take out your packed foods because you are hungry. But what is it making you starve and making you regret for forgetting the things you needed to have your meal peacefully? You missed out so many things related to the camping kitchen. Don’t make it look like a large box but a small and easy to be carried and moved, just include the necessary items like spoons, forks, knives, pots, pans, paper plates, glasses (preferably paper glasses and plates and plastic made spoons as they can be used and thrown away). Match boxes, candles, and extra batteries for torch should not be forgotten by a camper while organising the chuck box for camping. Napkins, can openers, bottle openers, tissues, are few other essentials a camper might need.
2. Camping Guides
camping guide
To make camping more enjoyable, it is a bit important to carry your camping guides with your luggage. Not only will it be helpful throughout the camping trip but also will be an important source of learning about it. Such guides explain about precautions and hurdles that a camper may face. It also clears out doubts of routes and directions to a good camping place. This guides or books are helpful as in they give a proper and exact knowledge about camping; especially it has an importance to the first time campers. So while a camper is all prepared for the camping trip, there is nothing the person is unknown about.
1. In-tent Entertainments

Entertainment is another basic necessity of life (other than food, clothing and shelter), and is quite important for living. At camping, a camper should not feel bored, entertainment needs will add up spice to the fun of camping. Carry indoor games like pack of cards, racket and shuttle cock, board games, poker set, as these will not weigh heavier or consume much space. For a camper, these are the small and good fun items for a camping trip, free from dangers of getting lost or broken. Another source of entertainment, for youngsters nowadays is the guitar, they often enjoy playing it and singing with smoke in hands and enjoying gathered around the campfire.

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