Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
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11 April 2014

SHOCKING - Woman who killed herself after claiming doctors had left a piece of metal in her ankle is revealed to have been RIGHT all along - after a titanium screw is found in her ASHES

Woman who killed herself after claiming doctors had left a piece of metal in her ankle is revealed to have been RIGHT all along - after a titanium screw is found in her ASHES

  • Carole Denby, 63, slipped and broke her ankle in 2006 while on a walk
  • Her husband says they battled for eight years to get her better treatment
  • During which time Mrs Denby was sectioned and had a stroke, he says
  • Was convinced there was metal remaining in her foot from previous surgery
  • But her medical notes disputed this and said there was no evidence of any
  • When husband Howard was given her ashes, they contained titanium screw 

A woman who killed herself after an agonising eight years of ankle pain had been correct about being given botched surgery, it has emerged. 

Carole Denby, 63, had slipped and broke her left ankle in 2006 but attempts to fix it had been unsuccessful, despite numerous operations.

Her husband Howard says an eight-year medical nightmare followed - during which time his wife suffered a stroke and was sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

Carole Denby killed herself after suffered agonising ankle pain for eight years after a fall
Carole Denby killed herself after suffered agonising ankle pain for eight years after a fall
Mrs Denby was convinced surgeons had failed to remove a metal screw after a series of failed operations on her broken ankle.
She has now finally been proved right after a metal screw was found in her ashes.
Mr Denby, 57, was stunned to be handed a two-inch titanium surgical screw when he collected the cremated remains of his wife.
This is despite her medical notes stating'There’s no evidence of any significant residual metal within the field of surgery.'
Mr Denby says the cremation remains now prove his wife was right all along about a metal screw being left inside her. 
He blames the titanium screw for giving her ill health in the eight years after her operation - and believes it led to her suspected overdose of prescription tablets.
Mrs Denby was convinced surgeons had failed to remove a metal screw after a series of failed operations on her broken ankle. She has now finally been proved right after a metal screw was found in her ashes
Mrs Denby was convinced surgeons had failed to remove a metal screw after a series of failed operations on her broken ankle. She has now finally been proved right after a metal screw was found in her ashes
He blames the titanium screw for giving Carole ill health in the eight years after her operation - and believes it led to her suspected overdose of prescription tablets
Carole Denby
He blames the titanium screw for giving his wife ill health in the eight years after her operation - and believes it led to her suspected overdose of prescription tablets.
He has now given it to police who are investigating Mrs Denby's death for the coroner.
Mr Denby said: 'Carole was adamant there was some metal left over but the doctors wouldn’t listen.
'Being given the screw after her cremation was devastating. It means she was right all along and all her misery was ignored.
'It broke my heart to see her fears and pain dismissed.
'Now I’m planning to present the screw as evidence at the inquest into Carole’s death.'
Mrs Denby had her ankle pinned together by surgeons eight years earlier after she broke it while walking in the countryside. 
But the operation didn’t work and she reacted badly to the metal screws, pins and bolts holding her ankle together.
Mr Denby said: 'Being given the screw after Carole's cremation was devastating. It means she was right all along and all her misery was ignored'
Mr Denby said: 'Being given the screw after Carole's cremation was devastating. It means she was right all along and all her misery was ignored'
Surgeons at Morriston Hospital in Swansea operated again and assured the couple all the metal had been removed from her ankle.
But Mr Denby, of Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, now believes he and his wife were lied to.
He said: 'This screw explains why she continued to develop infections in her blood and swellings in her left ankle.
'She went from this vivacious professional woman to a shell of her former self.
'She suffered serious, recurring infections and developed septicaemia, which I believe was caused by a reaction to the metal that had been inserted in her ankle.
'We were advised that she was too young for an ankle replacement. In May 2010 Carole suffered a severe stroke, which added considerably to her medical complications.
'By 2011 she was suffering from delusions and was sectioned under the Mental Health Act. She had recurring mental health problems that arose from her physical suffering.'
Mr and Mrs Denby on their wedding day. An inquest into her death has been opened by the Carmarthenshire coroner and adjourned while toxicology tests are completed
Mr and Mrs Denby on their wedding day. An inquest into her death has been opened by the Carmarthenshire coroner and adjourned while toxicology tests are completed
'The Health Board repeatedly denied any screws had been left behind and did everything to avoid looking for them. But that is why Carole did what she did.
'She felt her quality of life would never get better if the doctors couldn’t find the screw that she was sure still remained in her leg.'
An inquest has been opened by the Carmarthenshire coroner and adjourned while toxicology tests are completed.
The Hywel Dda University Health Board, which runs Morriston Hospital, said a review had been carried out on the care given to Mrs Denby. 
A spokesman said 'We offer our condolences to Mr Denby and the health board will fully co-operate with HM Coroner.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2601493/Ashes-woman-killed-eight-years-ankle-pain-told-doctors-no-metal-foot-contain-titanium-SCREW.html#ixzz2yVyVYilw
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