Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

3 June 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 271 (31/05/2014)

2701.            Historically, a blue ribbon has been awarded for first prize.

2702.            Seventy-one percent of households report they have at least one snorer. Forty-five
    percent of those surveyed admit they snore, 35% said their partner snores, 12%
    said their child snores and 9% reported their pet snores.

2703.            The original meaning of the word grocer was referring to a person who traded food
    in wholesale. These people would usually sell in large quantities, or by the "gross."

2704.            Research indicates that mosquitoes are attracted to people who have recently
    eaten bananas.

2705.            Actress Michelle Pfeiffer was the first choice to play Clarice Starling in the movie
    "Silence of the Lambs." She turned down the role because she found it too scary.

2706.            The White House has 35 bathrooms, 3 elevators, 132 rooms, and 412 doors in it.

2707.            Due to the deforestation of the forests in North China, over one million tons of
    sands blows into Beijing from the Gobi desert. It sometimes causes the sky to turn

2708.            Cows are able to hear lower and higher frequencies better than human beings.

2709.            Approximately 60% of the water used by households during the summer is used
    for watering flowers, and lawns.
2710.            The largest diamond that was ever found was 3106 carats.

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