Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

18 July 2014

IDEAS - 4 Steps to Making Any Big Idea Take Off


4 Steps to Making Any Big Idea Take Off

That genius vision of yours can become an actual business if you follow this advice from the founders of natural-beauty brand Yes To.

To launch your own big idea, look for opportunities in unexpected places and realize that you don't have to go to the best business school (or any business school at all) to learn the entrepreneurial skills that will allow you to succeed. Here are four tips to get you started.
Bond with like minds.
Work with people you trust and can build a long-term partnership with. The more their progress is aligned with yours, the more committed they will be to making sure you succeed. Also—and we can't overemphasize this—being an entrepreneur can be the loneliest, most isolating job in the world, so get very good, very quickly, at finding people who can act as a support system.
Recognize momentum.
You can have the best idea in the world, but if the timing isn't right, you're up a creek. We sensed a growing interest in natural beauty. In general, natural and organic products were clearly more than a fad, but the natural-beauty market was still emerging at the time, meaning the big companies didn't even bother taking notice of it. We knew we were doing something special.
Be authentic.
Don't put on a business persona—if it's not you, it will just come across as awkward. When we were meeting with a Walgreens executive—a huge opportunity—she stood up to shake our hands. Ido realized the only way we were going to do business was if she met the real and authentic Ido. So he ignored her hand, stepped forward, and wrapped his arms around her. The hug was a hugely risky move, and we don't recommend indiscriminate hugging as an everyday practice—but it worked!
Catch your wave.
Be confident, even if you face setbacks. That meeting with Walgreens wasn't a slam dunk: The trial they offered to give our products would be online only. Still, this was our audition for the big time, and we had faith. If you want to build something fast, you have to be prepared to jump into the water and swim. We got the basics right. We created a product that people loved, that worked, and that we were passionate about. And then we gave it everything we had!
Source: http://www.womenshealthmag.com

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