Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

8 October 2014

KEEP FIT - Cardio for those who hate to run

Our circuit is fast, uses minimal equipment 
and there's no jogging.
Cardio for those who hate to run
You're either born to run or you're not. For many, slogging it out on the pavement is torture. But running is not the only form of cardio. There are many other options and today we'll show you some. None of them require a huge financial investment in fitness machines and you certainly won't be running for hours on a treadmill. Grab your sweatbands and get into it.

1. Step-ups

Place your left foot on a knee-height bench or chair. Push down through your left heel and stand up on the bench. Without stopping, continue to move the right thigh forward until the knee is hip height and at a right angle. Balance for a moment then slowly lower your right foot to the ground, touch down lightly with your toes and spring back up for your next rep. Maintain your posture and keep your gaze fixed on the horizon. Do all the reps on one leg, then switch.
Reps: 20 each leg
1. Step-ups

2. Straddles

Place your hands near the front of a knee-high bench and hold the edges in a safe grip. Keep your elbows soft. Start with both feet on the right of the bench. Jump laterally up and over the bench and land softly on the other side, pivoting on your hands. Keeping soft through your elbows and knees, jump back to the right, landing lightly to make one full rep. If you find jumping back too hard, take your hands to the back of the bench so that you're not jumping over the bench.
Reps: 15
2. Straddles

3. Travels

A travel can be done on a Bosu (as pictured) or a low step. Start with your right foot on the step and your left foot at three o'clock. Skip laterally to your right so the left foot replaces the right on the step and the right lands at nine o'clock. Land lightly in a small squat and skip back to the other side again. One rep is every lateral movement.
Reps: 40
3. Travels

4. Turkish get-ups

Take a big step back with your right leg and place your knee on the ground. Place your right hand on the ground 30cm outside your right knee. Pivot your right leg so you can sit down. Lie back. Follow the same movement in reverse to stand up. Sit up, put your right hand outside the right knee, move into a lunge, then stand up. Switch legs and repeat.
Reps: 5
4. Turkish get-ups

5. Montain climbers

Place your hands on a Bosu, low bench or the ground (advanced). Assume a push-up position on your toes, elbows bent. Move one foot in so the knee is close to your chest. Jump your feet up and, in the air, switch your front foot to the back and back foot to the front. Land lightly, both feet at the same time, and sink your back knee down in a lunge. Jump up to land back in the original position.
Reps: 40
5. Montain climbers

Combining the workout

Do the exercises in the following order in a circuit format. The reps mentioned are a guide. You can add or subtract reps depending on your fitness level.
40 travels, 15 straddles, 40 mountain climbers, 20 step-ups each side, 5 Turkish get-ups each side, 20 burpees, 100 skips. Time how long this takes, rest for two minutes and repeat at least twice more.
Source: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/

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